Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación is published quarterly. It promotes the dissemination of multidisciplinary research in the field of education. It publishes unpublished and original research papers. Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación is an edition of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Corporativo Edwards Deming

Paper evaluation model.  All papers will be evaluated by academic peers related to the area of education and related fields in double blind peer review. The papers will have a previous review to ensure compliance with editorial standards and plagiarism. 

Language of publication. The journal publishes its papers in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

The journal is indexed in: Latindex Catálogo, Reefseek, RedibGoogle académico, Index Copernicus, Ebsco, Scientific Indexing Service, Refseek

Vol. 8 No. 3 (2024): July - September

Published: 2024-07-05

Identification of the satisfaction of Tecnológico Espíritu Santo students with the different institutional processes and services

Manuel Andrés Castillo Núñez, Martha María Fernández-Rodríguez, María José Menéndez Ledesma, Belén Priori

Use of Artificial Intelligence in High School Mathematics Teaching

Efrén Antonio Castillo Del Pezo, Nancy Karina Tapia Yagual, Silvia Maribel Placencia Ibadango, Christian Antonio Pavón Brito

Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge

Gina Katherin Jiménez Palacios, Sonia Valencia Gonzalez

Gamification as an educational strategy in the learning of arithmetic for elementary school students

Denis Javier Salazar Morante, Oscar Daniel Sánchez Rubio, Christian Francisco Tomalá Vergara, Segundo Bienvenido Camatón Arízabal
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