Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 1, January - March 202 4
Information and communication technologies and their contribution to the quality of the teaching-
learning process.
digital competencies of teachers, among these practices can be
mentioned, navigation and permanent search for information in
digital databases, downloading digital information and organization
of multimedia teaching materials such as videos and pdf files,
entering the institutional virtual classroom, to upload individual and
team assignments, grade and download files, participate in
cooperative and collaborative work, online management meetings
and virtual tutorials, use digital applications, dynamic
communication with students, managers and directors, daily use of
institutional mail and/or wasap to send and receive academic
information, among others, which demand a consolidated habit to
move through the platforms and cyberspace. These arguments
coincide with the approach of Velásquez O. (2019), (Cevallos et al.,
2023), (Ley Orgámica de Educación Superior, 2010) who considers
that the role of the virtual teacher is transformed into a subject of
accompaniment, facilitation, motivation, mediator of information
and knowledge, catalyst of learning, because he/she fulfills multiple
roles and functions. To corroborate the above, we recover the
following text from IESALC-UNESCO, 2021, which states that: in
order to favor pedagogical continuity, universities did not propose a
single methodology. The majority recommended the use of the
corresponding virtual classroom, but virtualized synchronous classes
were also encouraged. About 78% of the universities participating in
the study promoted this approach. The second option preferred by the
universities is the use of lectures delivered as videos, synchronously
or asynchronously, which occurs in 41% of the universities. As can
be seen in this quantitative data, the proposal of the university
system, in its two modalities synthesized in previous paragraphs, had
a global acceptance of the universities in 78% and 41% respectively,
modalities that demanded a digital learning and practice of their
teachers and students, to transit through the institutional platforms.
Quintana (2000), developed a model that was proposed and
implemented in Spain with the objective of standardizing the levels
of ICT competency training of basic education teachers, digital
competence is the mastery of knowledge, skills and attitudes that
allow them to effectively use ICT as a support to their professional
training and resources that facilitate student learning. Cited by Zavala
D. et al., 2016.
This proposal, implemented to improve the professional performance
of Basic Education teachers in the field of Information and
Communication Technologies, was undoubtedly more than two
decades ahead of the pandemic, and managed to substantially