Formative learning and its characteristics applied in the classroom in university students

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Irma Gardenia Ortega Tapia
Gina del Pilar Rendón Guerra
Ruth Elizabeth Racines Macias
Karina Alexandra Plúa Panta


Formative learning is considered as part of the improvement of the education process in students at the university and thus develop their skills in their profession, the present research topic aims to identify how the formative learning process is performed and what are the characteristics applied in the classroom, sampling was performed by selecting 369 students, with the application of a structured survey with 10 closed questions, 86% like to update their knowledge and this has allowed 71% of students to learn management of reliable sources and the application of APA standards.


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Ortega Tapia, I. G., Rendón Guerra, G. del P., Racines Macias, R. E., & Plúa Panta, K. A. (2022). Formative learning and its characteristics applied in the classroom in university students. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 6(4).