Professional training with a focus on the violation of the principle of presumption of innocence in the crime of unjustified private enrichment

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Sandra Canalías Lamas
Nicolasa Panchana Suárez
Paola Elizabeth Cortez Clavijo


This research work is an analysis of the crime of unjustified private enrichment, with an analytical position from the study of the characteristics of the criminal type and its impact on the Constitutional Principle of Presumption of Innocence. The topics addressed have been investigated from a doctrinal and legal point of view, with specific observation in the Ecuadorian legislation, taking a critical position. The productivity of this analysis becomes a learning tool not only for the lawyer, the prosecutor and the judge, who analyze controversies or situations related to this matter. During the research carried out, theoretical methods such as: historical-logical; analysis-synthesis; induction-deduction and holistic were mainly used.


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Canalías Lamas, S. ., Panchana Suárez, N. ., & Cortez Clavijo, P. E. . (2022). Professional training with a focus on the violation of the principle of presumption of innocence in the crime of unjustified private enrichment. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 6(4). Retrieved from