Didactic proposal for the teaching of classical mechanics through microhistories.

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Franklin Edmundo Molina Jiménez
Lucia Antonieta Goyes Chulde
Diego Armando Guerrero Soto


Physics learning can be performed in many ways. The objective of this research is to determine the influence of the use of microhistories in the teaching of Classical Mechanics in the first and second year students of the General Unified High School of the FEBE Educational Institution. The research is of an exploratory-descriptive level through a documentary and field research, for the collection of information an instrument was elaborated composed of four activities that are governed to the ERCA learning cycle. At the end of the research it was concluded that micro-stories do contribute to improve learning, establishing that with their use the student generates significant learning.


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Molina Jiménez, F. E., Goyes Chulde, L. A., & Guerrero Soto, D. A. (2022). Didactic proposal for the teaching of classical mechanics through microhistories . Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 6(4). https://doi.org/10.31876/rie.v6i4.240