Didactic strategies for virtual teaching in secondary education

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Rommel Ulises Salazar Cedeño
Mayra Emerita Gallegos Vargas
Arturo Clery
Maricela María Daza Vélez
Jaime Espinosa Izquierdo


Virtual education took off after the suspension of face-to-face activities due to Covid-19. In Ecuador, high school education adopted virtuality to follow the activities, so this study had the objective to determine the didactic strategies used for virtual teaching in Ecuadorian high school education . It was a qualitative, theoretical, documentary type, bibliographic design, descriptive level research. Among the results, it stands out that all the research reviewed mentions the design of interactive activities, the use of educational platforms, and the use of multimedia resources; no coincidences were found with the a priori categories: class recording and online evaluations. Emerging categories such as time organization, relevance of teacher participation and motivation were obtained. In conclusion, the studies prioritize the use of digital tools and social networks as tools for connection and interactivity.


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How to Cite
Salazar Cedeño, R. U. ., Gallegos Vargas, M. E. ., Clery, A. ., Daza Vélez, M. M. ., & Espinosa Izquierdo, J. . (2023). Didactic strategies for virtual teaching in secondary education. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 7(3), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.31876/ie.v7i3.251