Reaffirmation of oral tradition in eleventh grade students

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Fanny Yolanda Pirpuezan Cuaical
Luis Jaime Tupue Juaspuezan


The purpose of this work is to reaffirm the oral tradition in eleventh grade students of the Panan Indigenous Agricultural and Livestock Technical Educational Institution, for the conservation of this culture that is part of their indigenous community; The causes that contributed to the decrease of the practices of the oral tradition among the youngest of the Panan community were established, in addition, the cultural characteristics that allow reaffirming the cultural identity from the oral tradition in the students were identified, in the same way, some pedagogical activities that contributed to the strengthening of the cultural identity that identifies the indigenous population of Panan were proposed, The impact of the pedagogical activities related to the recovery of oral tradition among the participants was also evaluated, for this, the qualitative methodology was used, since it collected information from reality and the approach was Action Research, allowing changes in the attitudes of the participating group, this information collection was done through techniques such as observation, interview, development of pedagogical activities, based on the method called design thinking (design thinking), because its methodology allows the active participation of the investigated group. The conclusion is that it is possible to reaffirm the oral tradition in the students with their active participation in the teaching-learning processes in their own contexts.


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How to Cite
Pirpuezan Cuaical, F. Y., & Tupue Juaspuezan, L. J. (2023). Reaffirmation of oral tradition in eleventh grade students. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 7(3), 91–108.