Incorporation of educational technology for effectiveness in teaching student teachers

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Santa Rocio Toala Ponce
Fanny Natividad Chanatasig Arcos
Carmen Karina Hurtado Toral
Gladys Janet Betancourt Sevilla


The main objective of this scientific study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the integration of educational technology in the Faculty of Pedagogy and its implications for the improvement of teaching and learning. Educational technology encompasses a variety of digital tools and online resources that can significantly enhance teaching and learning. The research was conducted using an approach that combined descriptive, qualitative and quantitative methods. The group under study included all students enrolled in the Faculty of Pedagogy at the Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" of Esmeraldas during the second academic semester of 2022. In addition, a specific follow-up and analysis was carried out with the participation of 20 teachers and 180 students. A structured survey was used as a method to obtain information related to the elements that contribute to the effectiveness of technological incorporation. The results of the research show that both students and teachers have a positive perception of educational technology. Most students use it regularly and consider that classes that incorporate it are more interactive and accessible. However, they face technical challenges, highlighting the need for a solid technological infrastructure and additional training for teachers.


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How to Cite
Toala Ponce, S. R., Chanatasig Arcos, F. N., Hurtado Toral, C. K., & Betancourt Sevilla, G. J. (2024). Incorporation of educational technology for effectiveness in teaching student teachers. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 8(1). Retrieved from