Teaching strategies for improving linguistic communication in Language and Literature

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Fabián David Domínguez Pizarro
Sara Dolores González Reyes


This article is relevant in the area of Language and Literature, because it covers the didactic strategies applied by teachers and aims to determine their impact on the improvement of linguistic communication, for which 12 teachers from two educational institutions were investigated by applying a mixed methodology through surveys and interviews, where the importance of communication in the training of students who, with the help of technology, must adapt to today's world was analyzed. This research proved the incidence of didactic strategies and ICTs to strengthen linguistic macro-skills.


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Domínguez Pizarro, F. D., & González Reyes, S. D. (2024). Teaching strategies for improving linguistic communication in Language and Literature. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.31876/ie.v8i2.270