Experience-based training in remote emergency education

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Luis Miguel Arias Martínez
Wilfredo Brito Vega
Julio Castillo Amado
Antolina León Hichpas
Filomeno Zubieta Núñez
Norman Sifuentes Martínez


The emergency remote education implemented in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic has had different responses from university students; similarities and differences can be found not only within a country (state or private institutions), but also in the same university as in this case. Students of similar specialties (social sciences), but from different careers (Social Sciences Education and Sociology) and faculties (Education and Social Sciences) of the Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión provide their answers to similar questions. The disparate or similar answers say a lot about the treatment of the student in one or the other Faculty. The knowledge of their experience through the analysis of their expressions may allow us to rethink the institutional policy of emergency remote education.

Keywords: Digital divide, appropriation of technologies, teacher-student interaction, digital competencies.


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Arias Martínez L. M. ., Brito Vega, W. ., Castillo Amado, J. ., León Hichpas A. ., Zubieta Núñez F. ., & Sifuentes Martínez N. . (2021). Experience-based training in remote emergency education. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 4(4). https://doi.org/10.31876/ie.v4i4.71