Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación is published quarterly. It promotes the dissemination of multidisciplinary research in the field of education. It publishes unpublished and original research papers. Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación is an edition of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Corporativo Edwards Deming

The journal was edited by a higher education institute until December 2024, maintaining a high level of commitment and achieving important indexing for the growth of science.

Paper evaluation model.  All papers will be evaluated by academic peers related to the area of education and related fields in double blind peer review. The papers will have a previous review to ensure compliance with editorial standards and plagiarism. 

Language of publication. The journal publishes its papers in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

The journal is indexed in: Latindex Catálogo, Reefseek, RedibGoogle académico, Index Copernicus, Ebsco, Scientific Indexing Service, Refseek

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025): January - March

Published: 2025-01-08

Analysis of biomass utilization techniques in Latin America

Sandra Emperatriz Peña Murillo, Ana María Santamaría Robles, Eddie Manuel Zambrano Nevárez, Kengy Lisbeth Castillo Tomalá


Didactic device to stimulate learning in pre-school children using RFID technology

Byron Wladimir Oviedo Bayas , Dinora Alexandra Carpio Vera, Marcos David Oviedo Rodríguez, Liliana Napa-Arévalo


Comparative evaluation of bioremediation and electroremediation methods for soil decontamination by hydrocarbons

Sandra Emperatriz Peña Murillo, Fabiola Elena Villa Sánchez, Janeth Katherine Zalamea Cedeño, Pablo César Fajardo Echeverri


Common ventures of teaching graduates in Ecuador

Silvia Maribel Placencia Ibadango, Jorge Wilson Flores Rodríguez, Eladio Leonardo Vera Ramírez, Maritza Catherine Vallejo Palacios


Fuel subsidies in Ecuador: Bibliographic analysis of their cost and sustainability

Sandra Emperatriz Peña Murillo, Joaquín Alejandro Ochoa Celi, Francisco Javier Torres Córdova, Eddie Manuel Zambrano Nevárez


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