Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
e-ISSN: 2737-632x
Pgs 29-38
* Ing. Tecnológico Simón Bolívar,
** Ing. Tecnológico Simón Bolívar,
*** Ing. Tecnológico Simón Bolívar,
**** Ing. Tecnológico Simón
Bolívar, aandrade@istsb.edu.ec,
Received: April, 2023
Approved: July, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/
How to cite:
Salguero, V., Mendoza, R.,
Montalvan, J., Andrade, A.
(2023) Competency-based
teacher training using didactic
boards in the Electrical
Technology course. Revista
Iberoamericana De
educación, 7(4) 29-38
Competency-based teacher training using
didactic boards in the Electrical
Technology course
Formación del profesorado basada en competencias mediante tableros
didácticos en la asignatura de Tecnología Eléctrica
Formação de professores com base em competências utilizando quadros
didácticos no curso de Tecnologia Eléctrica
Victor Hugo Salguero Sumba*
Raul Mendoza**
Jose Montalvan***
Arnaldo Andrade****
In the year 2019, after analyzing the progress of Technological
Education in the ISTSB and the development framework of the career
of Higher Technology in Electricity where emphasis is given to
control, several projects of control and starting of single-phase and
three-phase motors were developed and after consulting experts,
students and teachers of the ISTSB, a board is developed where it is
combined, forms of traditional starting, with solid state equipment,
such as soft starter and a frequency inverter. Plus a module for PLC,
i.e. a tour of all the study material of Electrical Control, units of study
of Industrial Installations, Instrumentation and Industrial
AutomationThe pandemic occurred in 2020 made the board of
Industrial Practices, is not followed as a generator of skills, but was
repowered in 2020, as a result of which it has been used by two
careers Superior Electromechanical Technology and Electricity in
the subjects of Instrumentation, Industrial Installations and
Automation. The result is 90% favorable to the improvement of
skills, supported by the surveys conducted to those who used the
control panel in the period 1H 2023 from April to July 2023.
Key words: Technological education, skills, starters, curriculum.
En el año 2019, luego de analizar el avance de Educación tecnológica
en el ISTSB y el marco de desarrollo de la carrera de Tecnología
Superior en Electricidad donde se le da énfasis al control, se
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Competency-based teacher training using didactic boards in the Electrical Technology course
desarrolló varios proyectos de control y arranque de motores
Monofásicos y Trifásicos y luego de consultar a expertos, estudiantes
y profesores del ISTSB, se desarrolla un tablero donde se conjunta,
formas de arranque tradicional, con equipos de estado sólido, como
el arrancador suave y un variador de frecuencia. Más un módulo para
PLC, es decir un recorrido de todo el material de estudio de Control
Eléctrico, unidades de estudio de Instalaciones Industriales,
Instrumentación y Automatización IndustrialLa .pandemia ocurrida
el año 2020 hizo que el tablero de Practicas Industriales, no sea
seguido como generador de habilidades, pero fue repotenciado en el
2020, consecuencia de lo cual ha venido siendo utilizado por dos
carreras Tecnología Superior de Electromecánica y Electricidad en
las materias de Instrumentación, Instalaciones Industriales y
Automatización. Resultando un 90% favorables al mejoramiento de
habilidades, sustentadas por las encuestas realizadas a los que usaron
el tablero de control en el periodo 1S 2023 desde los meses de Abril
a Julio del 2023.
Palabras clave: Educación Tecnológica, habilidades, arrancadores,
plan de estudio
No ano de 2019, após análise da evolução da Educação Tecnológica
no ISTSB e do quadro de desenvolvimento da carreira de Técnico
Superior de Eletricidade onde se ênfase ao controlo, foram
desenvolvidos vários projetos de controlo e arranque de motores
Monofásicos e Trifásicos e após consulta a especialistas, alunos e
professores do ISTSB, é desenvolvido um quadro onde se junta,
formas de arranque tradicionais, com equipamentos de estado sólido,
como o soft starter e um inversor de frequência. A pandemia ocorrida
em 2020 fez com que o quadro de Práticas Industriais, não fosse
seguido como gerador de competências, mas foi repotencializado em
2020, em resultado do qual tem sido utilizado por duas carreiras
Superiores de Tecnologia de Eletromecânica e Eletricidade nas
disciplinas de Instrumentação, Instalações Industriais e Automação.
O resultado é 90% favorável à melhoria das competências, apoiado
pelos inquéritos realizados a quem utilizou o painel de controlo no
período 1H 2023 de abril a julho de 2023.
Palavras-chave: Educação Tecnológica, competências, iniciantes,
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Competency-based teacher training using didactic boards in the Electrical Technology course
The article evaluates and validates the positive improvement of the
technological skills of students based on complementary learning
through the use of boards designed based on the syllabus of the
subjects of the technologist career, of Higher Technology in
Electricity of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar,
which proposes to carry out didactic practices of electrical control and
management of motors by means of starters, with the purpose that the
students carry out practices, based on the theoretical knowledge
By improving the practical skills and competencies for professional
development of students with the use of didactic devices, we will have
better trained professionals for the challenge of continuous
technological improvement.
This improvement exposed in the article was made in the first place
recognizing the shortcomings in education, lack of practical
workshops, tools, which contribute to the fact that the skills and
abilities in the T.S. Electricity career are not developed at the same
time the theoretical part of the syllabus with the practical part that
improves the operational part of the student.
Secondly, we turned to professors of the Simón Bolívar
Technological School, teachers of the UCSG and professionals of the
Electrical area who, based on interviews and surveys, outlined a
Didactic Board that covers the detected needs of the moment, and
using as a design element the syllabus of the Electrical career, the
Electrical Control Board that is evaluated in the article was
Finally, in semester 1S2023, after using the board for 3 semesters, the
application in technological education, the use of the didactic board
and establishing whether or not there was an improvement in
professional competencies in a group of students will be evaluated.
If we recognize the economic shortcomings of education in the third
world, of which Ecuador is not exempt, we will say that the training
of skills and abilities in T.S. career. Electricity, is a notorious lack,
for not having workshops that give the image of company that the
students will have in the professional field therefore it is
manufactured according to interviews and surveys a Didactic Board
that covers the detected needs, and we believe that its application to
the technological education the mentioned didactic board applied on
a group of students we will obtain an improvement of practical
abilities and its competences in the professional development of this
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Competency-based teacher training using didactic boards in the Electrical Technology course
group of students where the use of the didactic boards, will be a main
part of this result.
An electrical panel is a closed metallic box that contains the
connection, maneuvering, command, measurement, protection, alarm
and signaling devices, which fulfill different functions in a single or
three-phase electrical system. The elaboration or construction of an
electrical panel, must meet design criteria and various regulations
NEC, IEEE, NATSIM that allow its correct operation once energized,
ensuring the safety of operators and facilities in which they are
located.(González Lopera, 2019).
Controlling is a paradigm of the human being, likewise cover the gap
of what was studied in the classroom with the industry should be a
priority (modernize), therefore it is mandatory to design control
boards of alternating current induction motors, where the student can
prove to himself that he can do it, in this learning as a first step we
describe the principle of the induction machine, the working
conditions with changes in voltage, frequency and phase for
operation. Then next explain the purpose of building the board for the
practice of motor control, also how the design of the board was made
so that it is didactic to project learning to future generations. The
scope that has project is to try to maximize the number of motor
control practices using measurement equipment connected
applications, explaining and describing the parameters to be
measured, electrical connections, as well as build the guide (González
Lopera, 2019)We always associate, that electrical panels are metal
structures, in which the connection-disconnection, control,
protection, measurement, signaling and distribution devices are
concentrated; all these devices allow an electrical installation to
operate safely (González Lopera, 2019).
Every electrical system is made up of a type of energy, conductors,
and a receiver that changes the electrical energy into light (lamps),
movement (motors) and heat (stoves). For the transformation to
occur, it is necessary that current flows through the system, this must
be composed of conductive elements, connected to a source of
voltage or voltage, the devices that allow to open, close or control
systems are called switches or keys. The devices of an electrical
system are said to be in series when they are placed one after the other
so that the electrons passing through the first device of the system and
then through the other devices. The intensity of the current is the same
at all points of the system, characteristic of series circuits (voltage
control), we can also connect the elements next to each other so that
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Competency-based teacher training using didactic boards in the Electrical Technology course
the voltage that feeds them is the same (current control). (Aldaz-
Suarez et al., 2022)
The asynchronous rotating machine consists of a device where
electricity is induced from the stator to the rotor by means of a path
provided by the magnetic field, allowing the motor rotor to generate
mechanical power. An induction motor is of the single-phase and
three-phase type, the latter being the most common. The
characteristic of the asynchronous motor lies in the way in which
power is supplied to the rotor by the stator first to be subsequently
converted into torque product of the magnetic force of the stator.
(Chacha Yugcha, 2020).
One way to start an alternating current motor is with direct connection
to full voltage network, where the motor is connected to the mains
voltage, in this case, the motor will generate a starting current, two to
six times higher than the normal current regime. In case the motor is
built for this situation this high initial current shock, it will not
experience working inconveniences; however, when it comes to
higher power motors, it is usually convenient to reduce the starting
current, otherwise this high current could mechanically affect the
motor and its load, as well as energy losses. The alternating current
electric motor par excellence is the induction motor or three-phase
asynchronous motor, being the most used for the drive of machines
in the industry, its wide use is due to its ease of maintenance,
installation, low cost and robustness. (Torres Mejía & Lema Tapia,
The didactic board is a useful tool where different practices were
carried out to help students of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico
Simón Bolívar to polish their knowledge. As the students learn, the
board will be improved so that it can provide greater professional
skills, that is why an investigation was conducted based on
interviews, review of syllabuses and came to the assembly of each of
the modules of the board under that point of view, that is, solving
needs attached to what was studied in the subjects of Facilities,
Electrical Control and Industrial Instrumentation.
After consulting with experts such as Eng. José Montalván, Eng.
Arnaldo Andrade, Eng. Juan Quispe, it was concluded to structure a
board of 12 modules, each one of 25x 20 cm where the first one would
occupy 2 places to mount the three-phase and single-phase thermo
magnetic protections of 2 poles, as well as a reader of currents and
digital voltages, the third module of mechanical control signals such
as on and off push buttons and two-position switch for transfers, a
fourth signaling module to be able to have visual signals on and off
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Competency-based teacher training using didactic boards in the Electrical Technology course
here in the 2021 version was reorganized to be able to mount a screen
coupled to a PLC complementing or taking the board to be used in a
new subject Industrial Automation, which made the fifth module was
repowered under the tutelage of Eng. Raul Mendoza and the PLC was
migrated to a commercial brand, the initially installed was of the
Lobato brand and the current one is SIEMENS, the PLC is a Logo 8
with expansion of analog signals and a communications module with
sending information via text messages of the PLC operation plus the
screen that was installed in module 4 thus complementing a
simulation of HMI interface, the sixth module is something new in
the 2021 version where 2 limit switches and two sensors are installed,
one inductive and one capacitive, npn type at 24 vdc. These modules
make up the upper part.
Contactors (two), 240 VAC and 2 auxiliary contacts plus 4 force
contacts, module eight is composed of thermal relays for recognition
of differences with another module that is in position twelve which
is the module of Guard motors, module ten is a module where a soft
starter was installed and module eleven a starting module via
frequency variation, module nine is a total of six relays that provides
us with 2 contacts NA, NC, those are the twelve modules that make
up the board and that is currently working in the Electrical Control
Laboratory at the Gabriela Mistral School where the
Electromechanical career of the same Simón Bolívar Technological
School is working.
Modules Installed on the Board
Module 1 and 2 Power supply and measurement modules
Module 3 Mechanical Control Signals Module
Module 4 Signaling module to be able to have visual signs
Module 5 SIEMENS PLC module, Logo 8 with analog
communication signals
Module 6. End-of-stroke module with inductive and capacitive
Module 7. contactor module (two), 240 VAC
Module 8 Module with thermal relays 240 VAC
Module 9 2-contact relay module 240 VAC
Module 10. Soft Starter Module
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Competency-based teacher training using didactic boards in the Electrical Technology course
Module 11 Frequency inverter module
Module 12 Module of two motor guards.
The practices that have been carried out and on which the learning
capabilities are going to be evaluated in the period 2S2022 and
1S2023 in the subject of Industrial Electrical Installations, on a frame
of 100 students plus guests who were presented the boards to perform
various practices and could evaluate the functionality of the same in
the program of Linkage with society of the period 1S2023.
PRACTICE 1. Recognition of existing electrical elements in the
Table 1. Theoretical concepts of the syllabus that are reaffirmed in
practice 1 of Industrial Installations. (ISTSB, 2020)
Unit 1 Industrial Electrical Installations Syllabus
Basic concepts of electrical measurements
Alternating current circuits
Electrical power and energy
Electrical connection circuits
PRACTICE 2. Direct starting of three-phase motors using contactors
and relays.
Table 2. Theoretical concepts of the syllabus that are reaffirmed in
practice 2 of Industrial Installations. (ISTSB, 2020)
Unit 4. Syllabus of Industrial Electrical
Installations 1S2023
Alternating current motor starting
PRACTICE 3. Direct starting of three-phase motors using contactors
and relays to recognize delta star connections in the motor windings.
Table 3. Theoretical concepts of the syllabus that are reaffirmed in
practice 3 of Industrial Installations. (ISTSB, 2020)
Unit 4. Syllabus of Industrial Electrical
Installations 1S2023
Determination of the requirements for an electrical
installation. Control devices
PRACTICE 4 Starting three-phase motors using limit switches,
inductive and capacitive sensor applications.
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Competency-based teacher training using didactic boards in the Electrical Technology course
PRACTICE 5. Motor starting using soft starter
PRACTICE 6. Motor starting using variable frequency drive.
Table 4. Theoretical concepts of the syllabus that are reaffirmed in
practice 3 of Industrial Installations. (ISTSB, 2020)
Unit 4. Syllabus of Industrial Electrical
Installations 1S2023
Different types of start-up
To evaluate the validity of the learning with the boards, a survey was
made to one hundred students in a google-type format with ten
questions using the LINKER evaluation, in the questions neither mail
nor name was requested so that the student is free to express his ideas
In each question, the evaluation of a practice, part of the syllabus, is
requested and the respondents overwhelmingly indicate that the
development of didactic boards taking the syllabus as the central axis
of design is approved by the majority on the basis that it should be the
practical verification of the theoretical foundations.
Question 10 is the most conclusive because it indicates that 97 out of
100 students agree that learning was improved with the use of the
didactic board.
The article confronts the protection of investments, maximizing the
improvement of the career of Superior Technology in Electricity of
the Simón Bolívar Superior Technological Institute, starting from an
argument that is the Silabo of the professionalizing subjects of
Electricity, such as Industrial Installations, Electrical Control,
Instrumentation and Industrial Automation, all of them with high
incidence in the industrial development.
Seventy students of the Superior Technology course in Electricity in
the 4th, 5th and Graduation semesters were surveyed and 86%
accepted the use of didactic boards in the teaching of the Electricity
course, and indicating that the level of skills achieved would not be
the same if they had not had a didactic aid of this magnitude,
recognizing the lack of the Technological Center in teaching, which
is the use of didactic boards that demonstrate what was taught in the
classroom in a practical way, because there was no place to test what
the professor had exposed in class.
The validity of the proposed practices and the design is more than
90%, i.e. 9 out of 10 students validate the use and design of the board
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Competency-based teacher training using didactic boards in the Electrical Technology course
in its 12 modules, based on the fact that all of them are used in the
practices. Demonstrating the validity of the design and even reaching
the need for the creation of new modules for the teaching of units of
other subjects of the professionalizing syllabus.
In the development of new modules and having the complete board
in its 12 spaces, it is considered to design and manufacture a modular
board that supports 3 modules and to carry out demonstrative
practices of teaching and learning, in a more agile way, taking the
practice to the classroom, which is the main objective of bringing
technological education to the hands of the students.
The three objectives were validated in the surveys:
The shortcomings in technology education at Simón Bolívar are not
practicing the theory in a practical way.
The didactic boards should solve practical teaching gaps in the
syllabus and prioritize its design to the fulfillment of objectives,
asking the teachers of the areas they would like to demonstrate on the
board because it would be the only way for the tool to be valid and
not end up as just another manufacturing object with no clear use in
the course.
The student feels that he benefits from these tools, in his learning, in
his professional development, being able to go out into the
professional field without fear of the new technologies, in constant
Therefore, it is concluded that the construction of didactic boards is
based on compliance in teaching, filling learning gaps.
ISTSB. (2020). Electricity Syllabus. Guayaquil.
Aldaz-Suarez, P. A., Bermúdez-Chica, J. J., & Acebo-Arcentales, A. S.
(2022). Didactic board of industrial electrical connections and drives.
Revista Científica y Arbitrada del Observatorio Territorial, Artes y
Arquitectura: FINIBUS-ISSN: 2737-6451., 5(10), 13-17.
Chacha Yugcha, J. L. (2020). Analysis of the operation of three-phase
motors through the design and implementation of a didactic module
in the electromechanics laboratory of the Technical University of
Cotopaxi-La Maná. [BachelorThesis, Ecuador : La Maná :
Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi (UTC)].
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Competency-based teacher training using didactic boards in the Electrical Technology course
González Lopera, H. (2019). Design, construction and certification of
electrical panels based on the technical regulation of electrical
installations (RETIE).
Torres Mejía, R. M., & Lema Tapia, D. P. (2009). Didactic board for
starting and control of a three-phase220v 1/2 HP motor by means of
a VDF (variable frequency drive) equipped with protection,
measurement and signaling systems. [B.S. thesis].