Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
e-ISSN: 2737-632x
Pgs 39-67
* Pontificia Universidad Católica del
** Master in Teaching and
Curriculum Development.
Secondment: Luis Vargas Torres
Technical University of Esmeraldas.
*** Student in Pedagogy of National
and Foreign Languages Attended by:
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas
"ESPE" belenmaria.rc@gmail.com.
Received: June, 2023
Approved: September, 2023
How to cite:
Cepeda, P., Cepeda, K.,
Riasco, M. (2023) Strategies
that encourage reading in
elementary school students.
Revista Iberoamericana De
educación, 7(4) 39-67
Strategies that encourage reading in
elementary school students
Estrategias que incentivan la lectura en estudiantes de básica
Estratégias para incentivar a leitura entre os alunos do ensino básico
Patricia Elizabeth Cepeda Navarrete*
katiuska Cecilia Cepeda Navarrete**
María Belén Riasco Cepeda***
Reading plays an important role in education, it facilitates the
expression of ideas and thoughts, but this can be diminished by
several external and personal factors such as lack of motivation. The
objective of this research is to elaborate a didactic guide that
contributes to the training of teachers at the Higher Basic Education
level on strategies focused on encouraging reading in students of the
Unidad Educativa General Medardo Alfaro, the population and
sample is based on three teachers who teach the subject of Language
and Literature at the Higher Basic Education level, The technique
used was the interview and the instrument was the questionnaire, the
results obtained show a deficient development in the competencies in
the use of ICT, it was possible to conclude that the teachers have
certain competencies to identify the problems that arise in the
classroom about reading, the importance of learning to read is
Key words: Strategies, reading, reading, skills, reading
La lectura juega un rol importante en la educación, facilita la
expresión de ideas y pensamientos, pero esta puede disminuir por
varios factores externos y personales como la falta de motivación. El
objetivo de esta investigación es elaborar una guía didáctica que
contribuya a la formación del profesorado del nivel de Educación
Básica Superior sobre estrategias enfocadas en incentivar la lectura
en estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa General Medardo Alfaro, la
población y muestra se basa en tres profesores que imparten la
materia de Lengua y Literatura del nivel de Educación Básica
Superior, la técnica utilizada fue la entrevista y el instrumento el
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Strategies that encourage reading in high school students
cuestionario, los resultados obtenidos muestran un desarrollo
deficiente en las competencias en el uso de TIC, se pudo concluir que
los profesores poseen ciertas competencias para identificar los
problemas que se presentan en el aula sobre la lectura, se discute la
importancia del aprendizaje de la lectura.
Abstract: Estrategias, lectura, formación, habilidades, comprensión
A leitura desempenha um papel importante na educação, facilita a
expressão de ideias e pensamentos, mas esta pode ser diminuída por
diversos factores externos e pessoais como a falta de motivação. O
objetivo desta investigação é elaborar um guia didático que
contribua para a formação de professores do Ensino Básico Superior
sobre estratégias centradas no incentivo à leitura nos alunos da
Unidad Educativa General Medardo Alfaro, a população e a amostra
baseiam-se em três professores que leccionam a disciplina de Língua
e Literatura no Ensino Básico Superior, A técnica utilizada foi a
entrevista e o instrumento foi o questionário. Os resultados obtidos
mostram um desenvolvimento deficiente nas competências no uso
das TIC, foi possível concluir que os professores possuem certas
competências para identificar os problemas que surgem na sala de
aula sobre a leitura, e a importância de aprender a ler é discutida.
Palavras chave: Estratégias, leitura, competências de leitura,
compreensão da leitura.
Due to its importance, several authors have developed research on
teaching-learning strategies. In this sense, Peralta (2015) presents a
topic on this subject. The author points out that education has to adapt
to the new current changes, which implies making changes in
traditional educational methods to be in line with the demands of
society and at the same time to the specific needs of students.
On the other hand, Martínez, Lago, and Ponce (2016) highlight the
importance of reading as a necessary skill that all students should
develop, since it contributes to the integral development of children.
The problem was based on the fact that some students reach low
levels of learning and therefore do not enjoy literature. Accordingly,
the author has proposed alternative solutions related to the dialectical
materialist approach.
Reading is an essential element within the teaching-learning process
that should be incorporated from the beginning of schooling so that
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Strategies that encourage reading in high school students
the student acquires the reading habit. As mentioned by Palacio and
Palacio (2017), the practice of reading plays an important role in the
school environment, it facilitates the expression of ideas and
thoughts. However, due to the presence of several external and
personal factors there is a lack of motivation for the practice of
reading. In this regard, Velastegui, Sanchez and Ramos (2019) note
that students do not read, not because they do not like or do not know,
but because they find it tedious, this may be due to multiple factors,
one of them that the teacher did not adequately apply at the right time
the strategies to encourage reading or because of some social cause.
Ortega (2018) points out that, both for the acquisition and practice of
reading, there are many intervening variables that can favor or hinder
progress, these can be due to the contexts in which it is developed,
characteristics of the students, type of practice or nature, so if these
elements are not considered by teachers, there is a probability that the
objective of encouraging reading will not be achieved. From the
perspective of Dantas, Cordón, & Gómez (2017) the school plays a
fundamental role in the process of encouraging reading, since
through it infants develop their imagination, have frames of reference
that they can relate to their own experiences, providing them with a
comprehensive perspective about reality.
This work is related to the line of action of inclusive education,
according to UNESCO (2009), considering that it is a service of
attention for all students, whose main goal is to guarantee attendance,
participation and academic success. In the Ecuadorian context,
education is a right that all people have, as a guarantee of equality
and social inclusion, therefore, it will be participatory, compulsory,
intercultural and inclusive, and will stimulate individual and
community initiative (Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador,
2008). Regarding the universalization of education, its objective is to
offer quality education with a vision of equity and inclusiveness to
students, so that they can develop their skills in a comprehensive
manner (Ministry of Education of Ecuador, 2012).
The development of this project is closely related to the "Yo Leo"
program, proposed by the Ministry of Education (2020), which seeks
that the educational system provides students with the necessary tools
and knowledge to develop a "reading behavior". In this context,
educational institutions play a fundamental role, through the
implementation of practices and activities, with teachers being
responsible for generating processes to strengthen the reading
comprehension of children and adolescents at all levels.
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Strategies that encourage reading in high school students
Therefore, it has been determined that it is necessary to dynamize
teaching to ensure that students master reading skills, through the
implementation of a series of strategies and activities that contribute
to the motivation and enthusiasm for reading. Taking this into
account, the present research work was proposed as a contribution to
the integral development of the student and to the improvement of
educational quality. It is intended that teachers implement new
strategies, so that they become an innovative class and awaken
interest in reading inside and outside the classroom.
Regarding the results, in the Unidad Educativa General Medardo
Alfaro, the competencies used by the teaching staff on strategies that
encourage reading, do not have innovative competencies, they are
based on a traditional teaching-learning system, although the
teaching staff recognizes as fundamental the help of the institution to
update their knowledge and improve the exercise of the teaching staff
in this aspect. In addition, the lack of knowledge of the teaching staff
to apply strategies that encourage reading according to the changes
in the field of education and its relationship with technology is
According to UNESCO (2017), around 617 million students
worldwide have not developed basic reading skills. In Latin America,
children who do not have a high level of learning to read represent
36% of the total number of minors and only primary education
students represent 26%. Similarly, in Ecuador, according to INEC
(2012) 26% of the population does not spend time reading, which
represents a high rate compared to other countries.
The same problem is observed in the students of Higher Basic
Education of the General Medardo Alfaro Educational Unit, since
they do not have daily reading habits. In this sense, the students only
comply with the tasks sent by the teachers, feeling obliged to carry
out reading activities. This situation has been reflected in the scarce
lexicon, presenting difficulties in reading comprehension and
From here the question arises: How to promote the training of
teachers of Higher Basic Education on teaching strategies that
encourage reading in the General Medardo Alfaro Educational Unit
in the year 2020?
This leads us to propose as general objective, to elaborate a didactic
guide that contributes to the training of teachers of Higher Basic
Education on strategies focused on encouraging reading in the
General Medardo Alfaro Educational Unit, during the year 2020, and
as specific objectives, to identify the competencies of teachers of
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Strategies that encourage reading in high school students
Higher Basic Education on strategies that encourage reading, to
describe the practices of motivation to reading used by teachers of
Higher Basic Education with their students, and to design the didactic
guide on strategies to encourage reading aimed at teachers of Higher
Basic Education.
The concern about the lack of implementation of strategies that
encourage the reading habit has become a topic of great importance
in the educational field, especially in Latin America. Authors Peralta
(2015), Martínez, Lago, and Ponce (2016), and Errazuriz, Becerra,
Aguilar, and Cocio (2019) agree that it is necessary for teachers to
employ new strategies for teaching reading in order to motivate
students, keep them active in the classroom, and achieve text
As pointed out by Martínez, Lago, and Ponce (2016), strengthening
the process of teaching and learning to read should become one of
the challenges of educational institutions, taking into account the
existing deficiencies, which currently have led to school and social
inequality. The project has social relevance as it is framed in the
fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Goal 4
guarantees inclusive and quality education for all, with special
emphasis on primary education (United Nations, 2018). Likewise,
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) in Article 26
numeral 2 alludes that education contributes to the development of
the individual and fosters respect.
Similarly, in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (2008)
education is considered a duty of the State and an inalienable right of
all inhabitants. In the Organic Law of Intercultural Education,
updated on May 19 (2017) article 2 states the principles of
educational activity. The literal q) deals with the importance of
motivating students towards learning. Article 31 literal d) adds that
one of the competencies of the Academic Councils is the design and
implementation of strategies that contribute to improve the teaching-
learning processes. On the other hand, the National Plan for the
Promotion of Books and Reading (2017) emphasizes the importance
of the practice of reading, and establishes promotional measures for
the use of libraries.
Reading is the activity that involves deciphering and understanding
the pronunciation and intonation of each word, either aloud or
silently. The person reading translates each symbol that is hidden in
the different terms and phrases (Barberousse and Vargas, 2019).
Flores (2016) points out that reading is important because it
facilitates students' access to different types of knowledge,
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Strategies that encourage reading in high school students
contributing to the acquisition of competencies, abilities and skills
related to the analysis, synthesis and reflection of the different
From the vision of Barberousse and Vargas (2019), reading helps to
stimulate intellectual growth and verbal acquisition necessary both
academically and in the field of communication. According to Rojas
(2018), initiating students in reading from the early years is
indispensable, because it motivates in them aptitudes such as
imagination and creativity, both of which are indispensable in the
acquisition and creation of new knowledge. Ospina and Gallego
(2015) affirm that it is an element that contributes to the intrinsic
formation of the person, creating values, routines, discernment
capacity, distractions, among others.
Although reading acquires a significant importance within the
educational processes, it is faced with a series of challenges that, if
not adequately addressed, can become problems that limit the
students' learning capacity. According to Trujillo (2017) the main
challenges to consider are: the strategies used to encourage reading,
the type of readings used, evaluation, the absence of guidelines that
determine how to work for the development of language skills.
For his part, Márquez (2017) states that one of the main challenges
facing reading within the educational system is the transformation of
traditional teaching methods. In addition, it is necessary to consider
the lack of knowledge of teachers regarding new mechanisms that
favor the acquisition of the reading habit in students, added to this is
the heterogeneity of educational contexts, the social situation and the
education policy that refuses to renew itself to respond to the interests
of students. Molina (2006) mentions that it is important for the
educational system to prioritize curricular reforms regarding the
teaching of reading, taking into account the development of skills
from comprehension to the production of texts.
Reading has become the main axis of the curriculum, since it is an
activity that contributes to the development of other cognitive skills
and critical thinking. This means that it allows the integral formation
of individuals, with the capacity to develop and participate in society.
Within the General Basic Education Curriculum and General Unified
Baccalaureate, for the area of Language and Literature, the Ministry
of Education of Ecuador (2016) states that reading is a transversal
axis of the educational system, necessary for the development of the
multiple capacities of students. For this reason, within the different
subjects, teachers have the obligation to include activities whose
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Strategies that encourage reading in high school students
purpose is to strengthen the reading competence of children and
Reading plays a fundamental role in the integral formation of
students. Within educational systems, according to Hernandez
(2015), in Figure 1, different types of reading can be implemented:
oral (loud), silent (extensive, intensive, involuntary, fast and
superficial), comprehensive (reflective and medium), selective
(attentive and glance).
The purpose of this work is to promote the training of teachers of
Higher Basic Education on teaching strategies that encourage reading
in the General Medardo Alfaro Educational Unit, for which
methodological parameters are established for the collection of
information and to achieve the proposed objectives.
Therefore, in the present research, it has been considered to be
located within the mixed approach: qualitative and quantitative.
According to Hernández (2018)allows carrying out systematic
processes in which it is required to obtain detailed and numerical
information of the object of research. Integration makes it possible to
carry out an integral study of the fact or phenomenon.
The mixed approach is used to collect information on the reading
motivation practices used by teachers of Basic Higher Education,
which allows for an evaluation of competencies. The results are used
for the development of a didactic guide to assist in the training of
According to the objective pursued by this research, it is descriptive,
explanatory and documentary. This means that primary and
secondary information is collected on the topic of study with the
purpose of identifying the causes of the problem posed (Sime and
Díaz, 2019). Therefore, with the identification of the problem about
the lack of reading habits on the part of students of Higher Basic
Education, information is collected about possible reading strategies,
in addition to describing those employed by the faculty of the area of
study. This information will serve to explain the causes of the
problem and the solution measures.
For the present study, the research design used is non-experimental ;
in this regard White and Sabarwal (2014)mentions that it is a type of
study that is characterized by the observation or collection of data
directly from the natural environment of the population under study,
in order to subsequently carry out an interpretation and analysis. In
this sense, no manipulation of variables is performed, which means
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Strategies that encourage reading in high school students
that the researcher cannot exercise control over the independent
variable since the data collected correspond to events that have
already occurred in the past.
Accordingly, in the present work, information is collected directly
from teachers at the Higher Basic Education level on the reading
motivation practices used in the subject of Language and Literature.
These data that are collected are not manipulated, but are organized,
interpreted and analyzed, with the purpose of determining the
teachers' competencies and thus proposing a didactic guide.
The population is composed by the total set of elements or
individuals that are characterized by having similar and easy to
observe aspects, while the sample is the representative part of the
elements or individuals, it is calculated when the population is too
large (Lerma, 2016). In this sense, the study population is made up
of the faculty that teaches the subject of Language and Literature of
Higher Basic Education of Unidad Educativa General Medardo
Table 1. Details of the target population population under study
Details of the study population
Language and
Note: Details of the study population. Data obtained from Unidad
Educativa General Medardo Alfaro (2019).
Taking into account that there are 3 teachers, it is not considered
necessary to calculate the sample, since we are working with the
Table 2 Students' ability to understand problems
Identifying profile of the population
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October December 2023
Strategies that encourage reading in high school students
Source: Interview
Prepared by Patricia Cepeda.
The profile of the Higher Basic Education teachers of the General
Medardo Alfaro Educational Unit is as follows: it can be seen that
the interviewees are between 40 and 54 years old respectively, of
which two are female and one is male. On the other hand, 2 of the
interviewees have a professional training level of bachelor's degree
and one interviewee with a master's degree, in terms of years of
teaching experience they have between 4 to 14 years of experience in
the educational field, in terms of years of teaching at the level of
Higher Basic Education they have between 1 to 7 years of trajectory.
Of the 3 people interviewed, 1 has a disability.
Table 3 . Operationalization of Variables
It is the set of
actions and
through the use
of methods,
means and
resources that the
teacher uses to
plan, apply and
evaluate, with
the purpose of
achieving the
-Level of knowledge
acquired by each
-Reading Processes.
-Commitment to
student achievement.