Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 7 No.4, October – December 2023
Strategies that encourage reading in high school students
the student acquires the reading habit. As mentioned by Palacio and
Palacio (2017), the practice of reading plays an important role in the
school environment, it facilitates the expression of ideas and
thoughts. However, due to the presence of several external and
personal factors there is a lack of motivation for the practice of
reading. In this regard, Velastegui, Sanchez and Ramos (2019) note
that students do not read, not because they do not like or do not know,
but because they find it tedious, this may be due to multiple factors,
one of them that the teacher did not adequately apply at the right time
the strategies to encourage reading or because of some social cause.
Ortega (2018) points out that, both for the acquisition and practice of
reading, there are many intervening variables that can favor or hinder
progress, these can be due to the contexts in which it is developed,
characteristics of the students, type of practice or nature, so if these
elements are not considered by teachers, there is a probability that the
objective of encouraging reading will not be achieved. From the
perspective of Dantas, Cordón, & Gómez (2017) the school plays a
fundamental role in the process of encouraging reading, since
through it infants develop their imagination, have frames of reference
that they can relate to their own experiences, providing them with a
comprehensive perspective about reality.
This work is related to the line of action of inclusive education,
according to UNESCO (2009), considering that it is a service of
attention for all students, whose main goal is to guarantee attendance,
participation and academic success. In the Ecuadorian context,
education is a right that all people have, as a guarantee of equality
and social inclusion, therefore, it will be participatory, compulsory,
intercultural and inclusive, and will stimulate individual and
community initiative (Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador,
2008). Regarding the universalization of education, its objective is to
offer quality education with a vision of equity and inclusiveness to
students, so that they can develop their skills in a comprehensive
manner (Ministry of Education of Ecuador, 2012).
The development of this project is closely related to the "Yo Leo"
program, proposed by the Ministry of Education (2020), which seeks
that the educational system provides students with the necessary tools
and knowledge to develop a "reading behavior". In this context,
educational institutions play a fundamental role, through the
implementation of practices and activities, with teachers being
responsible for generating processes to strengthen the reading
comprehension of children and adolescents at all levels.