Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
e-ISSN: 2737-632x
Pgs 37-45
* Magister en Tecnología en
Innovación Educativa
Universidad de Guayaquil
Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y
Ciencias de la Educación
* Licenciado en Pedagogía de las
Matemáticas y la Física
Universidad de Guayaquil
Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y
Ciencias de la Educación
* Magister en Riesgos Financieros y
Universidad de Guayaquil
Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y
Ciencias de la Educación
* Magister en Enseñanza de la
Universidad de Guayaquil
Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y
Ciencias de la Educación
Received: Febrary, 2024
Approved: May, 2024
How to cite:
Salazar, D., Sánchez, O.,
Tomalá, C., Camatón, S.
(2024) Gamification as an
educational strategy in the
learning of arithmetic for
elementary school students.
Revista Iberoamericana De
educación, 8 (3).
Gamification as an educational strategy in
the learning of arithmetic for elementary
school students
La gamificación como estrategia educativa en el aprendizaje de aritmética
para estudiantes de Educación General Básica
A gamificação como estratégia educativa na aprendizagem da aritmética
para alunos do Ensino Básico Geral
Denis Javier Salazar Morante*
Oscar Daniel Sánchez Rubio*
Christian Francisco Tomalá Vergara*
Segundo Bienvenido Camatón Arízabal*
Arithmetic knowledge in the education of students of General Basic
Higher Education (EGBS) is fundamental, since it is the basis of
mathematics and its branches, such as Algebra, Geometry and
Calculus. This research work seeks to contribute to the improvement
of arithmetic learning through gamification as a pedagogical tool for
eighth grade EGBS students. For this purpose, a quantitative
methodology was used to measure learning progress, develop
didactic material with educational games as pedagogical tools and
evaluate the evolution of arithmetic knowledge, with the objective
that students reach the minimum knowledge required according to
the educational standards established by the Ministry of Education
for the eighth grade of EGBS. In addition, the inductive method was
applied, obtaining conclusions from the observation of specific facts
by grouping students and having them develop the proposed
material. This allowed establishing precise conclusions, showing
that 100% of the students satisfactorily surpassed the knowledge
required for their level. In conclusion, it was determined that
gamification through didactic material with educational games is an
adequate methodology in the face of the large amount of distractions
faced by young students both in society and in technological social
Keywords: Arithmetic teaching, Quantitative methodology, Higher
Basic Education, Gamification.
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Gamification as an educational strategy in the learning of arithmetic for elementary school
Los conocimientos aritméticos en la educación de los estudiantes de
Educación General Básica Superior (EGBS) son fundamentales, ya
que constituyen la base de las matemáticas y sus ramas, como el
Álgebra, la Geometría y el Cálculo. Este trabajo de investigación
busca contribuir al mejoramiento del aprendizaje de la aritmética
mediante la gamificación como herramienta pedagógica para los
estudiantes de octavo grado de EGBS. Para ello, se utilizó una
metodología cuantitativa que permitió medir el progreso del
aprendizaje, desarrollar material didáctico con juegos educativos
como herramientas pedagógicas y evaluar la evolución del
conocimiento aritmético, con el objetivo de que los estudiantes
alcanzaran los conocimientos mínimos requeridos según los
estándares educativos establecidos por el Ministerio de Educación
para el octavo grado de EGBS. Además, se aplicó el método
inductivo, obteniendo conclusiones a partir de la observación de
hechos específicos al agrupar a los estudiantes y hacer que
desarrollaran el material propuesto. Esto permitió establecer
conclusiones precisas, mostrando que el 100% de los estudiantes
superaron satisfactoriamente los conocimientos requeridos para su
nivel. En conclusión, se determinó que la gamificación a través de
material didáctico con juegos educativos es una metodología
adecuada frente a la gran cantidad de distracciones que enfrentan los
jóvenes estudiantes tanto en la sociedad como en los medios sociales
Palabras clave: Enseñanza de la aritmética, Metodología
cuantitativa, Educación Básica Superior, Gamificación
O conhecimento aritmético na formação dos alunos do Ensino
Básico Geral Superior (EGBS) é fundamental, pois é a base da
matemática e seus ramos, como Álgebra, Geometria e Cálculo. Este
trabalho de investigação procura contribuir para a melhoria da
aprendizagem da aritmética através da gamificação como ferramenta
pedagógica para alunos do oitavo ano do EGBS. Para isso, foi
utilizada uma metodologia quantitativa para medir o progresso da
aprendizagem, desenvolver material didático com jogos educativos
como ferramentas pedagógicas e avaliar a evolução do
conhecimento aritmético, com o objetivo de garantir que os alunos
atinjam o conhecimento mínimo exigido de acordo com os padrões
educacionais estabelecidos pelo Ministério da Educação para o
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Gamification as an educational strategy in the learning of arithmetic for elementary school
oitavo ano da EGBS. Além disso, foi aplicado o método indutivo,
obtendo conclusões a partir da observação de factos concretos,
agrupando os alunos e fazendo-os desenvolver o material proposto.
Isto permitiu tirar conclusões precisas, mostrando que 100% dos
alunos passaram satisfatoriamente os conhecimentos exigidos para o
seu nível. Em conclusão, determinou-se que a gamificação através
de material didático com jogos educativos é uma metodologia
adequada face à grande quantidade de distracções que os jovens
estudantes enfrentam tanto na sociedade como nas redes sociais
Palavras-chave: Ensino de aritmética, Metodologia quantitativa,
Ensino básico superior, Gamificação.
Arithmetic is the oldest and most elementary branch of mathematics,
which deals with the study of numbers and the basic operations that
can be carried out with them. These operations include addition
(addition), subtraction (subtraction), multiplication and division, and
arithmetic also explores how these operations relate to the nature of
numbers, whether natural, whole or rational. This subject is
fundamental and is taught from the earliest years of formal
education, especially at the level of Educación General Básica
Media, which covers fifth to seventh grade.
The Ecuadorian Ministry of Education, in its Higher Basic General
Education (EGBS) curriculum document, highlights the increasing
complexity of mathematical content and processes from the
intermediate and higher sub-levels of EGB. According to this
document, "from the middle and upper sublevels of EBE,
mathematical content and processes become systematically more
complex, (...) leading to the development of reflective and logical
thinking that allows them to solve real-life problems" (Ministry of
Education of Ecuador, 2019, p. 344). This means that students at this
level acquire essential competences, integrating mathematical skills
into their reasoning and problem-solving in everyday life. To
achieve this, it is essential to have a broad knowledge and mastery
of elementary arithmetic operations and their application to various
sets of numbers.
However, a significant problem has arisen in the wake of the
COVID-19 pandemic. A large percentage of pupils in the eighth year
of General Basic Secondary Education arrived at this level with
significant deficiencies in their knowledge of arithmetic. This
situation is exacerbated given the curriculum and quality standards
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Gamification as an educational strategy in the learning of arithmetic for elementary school
set by the Ministry of Education, which require students to have an
adequate command of this basic knowledge in order to facilitate the
teaching-learning process, both individually and collectively.
An article entitled "Mathematics Education and COVID-19 in the
Americas" (Llinares, 2021, p. 25) mentions that, according to
preliminary data from the state of California (USA), in May 2021,
significant losses in mathematics learning were observed among
students in the early grades, with those from low family incomes
being the most affected. The article also highlights the importance
of documenting how different contexts have responded to these
demands, in order to identify gains and areas for improvement in
mathematics education. This demonstrates that the pandemic has had
a profound impact on mathematics education and that it is essential
to consider adaptations and lessons learned to address deficiencies
in students' numeracy.
In this regard, several reasons have been identified behind the gaps
in eighth graders' numeracy knowledge. These reasons include
demotivation due to fear of the subject, personal problems, pressure
from parents and boredom due to negative perceptions or the way
the subject has been taught so far. These negative perceptions of
mathematics can have a significant impact on students' academic
The psychological aspect plays a crucial role in learning numeracy.
Responsibility, self-esteem and willingness are fundamental values
that influence students' performance. Without proper management
and support, negative perceptions of mathematics can lead to further
problems. An article from the University of Costa Rica notes that
"according to the students' view of mathematics, in general, the
characteristics of difficult, complicated, boring, mechanical, rigid,
exact, that cannot be changed, (...) and that generates fear stand out"
(Gamboa & Moreira, 2017). These negative perceptions highlight
the need to approach numeracy learning in a way that is engaging
and accessible to students.
It is in this context that gamification emerges as a viable solution.
Gamification, which involves the use of game elements and
dynamics in educational contexts, can transform the perception of
numeracy and improve student learning. By incorporating
educational games and playful activities into the teaching process,
learning arithmetic can become more interactive and motivating.
This not only helps to reduce fear and demotivation, but also
promotes a deeper and more practical understanding of mathematical
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Gamification as an educational strategy in the learning of arithmetic for elementary school
In conclusion, arithmetic is a fundamental basis in mathematics
teaching, essential for the development of reasoning and problem-
solving skills. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated
deficiencies in arithmetic knowledge among eighth-grade EGBS
students. Psychological factors and negative perceptions of
mathematics also contribute to these deficiencies. Gamification
presents itself as a promising pedagogical tool to address these
challenges, making learning more engaging and effective. Adopting
innovative approaches such as gamification can help improve
academic performance and better prepare students for future
mathematical challenges.
This study employs a pre-experimental design (Hernández-
Sampieri, 2014) with a single group of 23 eighth grade students of
Educación General Básica Superior (EGBS). The intervention
consists of the use of gamification to improve arithmetic learning.
The study will be conducted by applying an entrance test (pretest)
before the intervention and an exit test (posttest) after the
The participants of the study are 23 eighth grade students. These
students have been selected due to prior identification of gaps in their
arithmetic knowledge, exacerbated by educational difficulties during
the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pretest: An arithmetic test will be designed to evaluate students'
knowledge of basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division) and their application to everyday problems. This test
will be applied before the intervention to establish a baseline of
students' knowledge.
Post-test: After the intervention, a test similar to the pre-test will be
administered to evaluate the same arithmetic concepts. This test will
allow measuring progress and improvements in students' knowledge
as a result of the intervention.
The intervention will consist of the implementation of gamification
as a pedagogical tool in arithmetic classes for a period of 8 weeks.
Gamification will be integrated into the curriculum through the
following activities:
Digital Educational Games: digital platforms offering interactive
games focused on arithmetic operations will be used. These games
will be designed to adapt to the skill level of each student, providing
immediate feedback and opportunities for repeated practice.
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Gamification as an educational strategy in the learning of arithmetic for elementary school
Competitions and Challenges: Arithmetic competitions and
challenges will be organized in which students can participate
individually or in groups. These activities will foster collaboration
and team spirit, as well as motivate students to improve their skills.
Rewards and Recognition: A reward system will be implemented in
which students will earn points, badges or certificates by completing
tasks and reaching certain levels of proficiency in arithmetic games.
This system will incentivize active participation and continued
Classroom Integration: Gamification games and activities will be
integrated into daily arithmetic lessons. Teachers will use these
resources to complement traditional teaching and make learning
more engaging and dynamic.
Preparation Phase:
- Selection and adaptation of digital educational games and design
of competencies.
- Training of teachers in the use of gamification tools.
- Design and validation of pretest and posttest.
Implementation Phase:
- Application of the pretest to the 23 students to assess their initial
- Implementation of the gamification intervention for 8 weeks,
integrating game activities into the arithmetic lessons.
- Monitoring and recording of students' participation and progress
during the intervention.
Evaluation Phase:
- Application of the posttest at the end of the intervention period.
- Comparative analysis of pretest and posttest results to measure the
impact of gamification on arithmetic learning.
- Collection of feedback from students and teachers on the
gamification experience.
Data Analysis
Data obtained from the pretests and posttests will be analyzed using
descriptive and comparative statistical methods. Means, medians,
and standard deviations of test scores will be calculated to assess
overall performance. A t-test for dependent samples will be used to
determine if there is a significant difference in student scores before
and after the intervention.
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Gamification as an educational strategy in the learning of arithmetic for elementary school
After the gamification intervention in teaching arithmetic to the 23
eighth grade students, significant improvements in their arithmetic
knowledge and skills were observed. The pretest and posttest
results were analyzed using a t-test for dependent samples to
determine if the difference in scores was statistically significant.
Pretest: The mean pretest scores were 60.3 with a standard
deviation of 8.2. This indicates that, prior to the intervention,
students' arithmetic knowledge was below the expected level for
their grade level.
Posttest: After the intervention, the mean of the posttest scores
increased to 85.7 with a standard deviation of 6.5. This significant
increase shows a marked improvement in students' arithmetic
Paired t-test
A paired t-test was performed to compare pretest and posttest
scores. The results were as follows:
- t(22) = -14.82; p < 0.001.
These results indicate a significant difference in scores before and
after the intervention. The p-value less than 0.001 demonstrates
that the observed improvement is not a product of chance, but can
be attributed to the effectiveness of gamification in teaching
The significant improvement in the posttest scores suggests that
gamification was an effective pedagogical tool for improving
students' arithmetic knowledge and skills. The motivation and
interest generated by the gamified activities likely contributed to
increased engagement and understanding of arithmetic concepts. In
addition, the use of rewards and recognition within the gamification
system may have incentivized students to try harder and overcome
their challenges in learning arithmetic.
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Gamification as an educational strategy in the learning of arithmetic for elementary school
The results of this study demonstrate that gamification can be an
effective strategy to address gaps in arithmetic knowledge,
especially in contexts affected by educational disruptions such as
the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study focused on evaluating the impact of gamification on
arithmetic learning among eighth grade students of General Basic
Higher Education (EGBS). The results obtained show that
gamification can be a highly effective pedagogical tool to improve
arithmetic knowledge and skills. Before the intervention, students
showed arithmetic knowledge below the expected level, with a mean
pretest score of 60.3. However, after eight weeks of gamified
activities, the mean posttest score increased significantly to 85.7.
The t-test for dependent samples yielded a t(22) value = -14.82, with
a p-value < 0.001; indicating a statistically significant improvement
in students' scores after the intervention. This result suggests that
gamification not only increased academic performance, but also
improved students' motivation and engagement in learning
The gamification intervention included digital educational games,
competitions and challenges, as well as a reward and recognition
system. These strategies not only made learning more engaging and
fun, but also fostered an environment of collaboration and healthy
competition, which contributed to the development of reflective and
logical thinking in students.
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