Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
e-ISSN: 2737-632x
Pgs 14-28
* Msc. CorporaciĆ³n Universitaria
* Msc. CorporaciĆ³n Universitaria
* MSc. Universidad de
Guayaquil (ECUADOR)
Received: March, 2024
Approved: June, 2024
How to cite:
JimƩnez, G., Valencia, S.
Anaguano, S. (2024)
Strengthening school
coexistence through ancestral
knowledge. Revista
Iberoamericana De
educaciĆ³n, 8 (3).
Strengthening school coexistence through
ancestral knowledge
Reforzar la convivencia escolar a travƩs de los conocimientos ancestrales
ReforƧar a convivĆŖncia escolar atravĆ©s dos saberes ancestrais
Gina Katherin JimƩnez Palacios*
Sonia Valencia Gonzalez*
Sara Lorena Anaguano PĆ©rez*
The general objective of this research project is to strengthen the
school coexistence of the students of the Jaime Roock Educational
Institution, El Caimito, rural area of the district of Buenaventura,
through a pedagogical strategy based on ancestral knowledge. A
qualitative approach of participatory action research is used. The
target population is made up of 15 Afro-descendant students from 6
to 14 years of age, belonging to socioeconomic strata 1 and 2. The
research is developed in four phases: planning and design, where the
specific objectives are established and the pedagogical strategies that
implement gamification with 5 ancestral games that involve values
are designed; data collection, which includes the application of
surveys, semi-structured interviews and observation; data analysis,
where the information collected is categorized and compared; and
interpretation and conclusions, where significant conclusions are
drawn, the impact of the implemented pedagogical strategy is
evaluated and recommendations are made to strengthen school
coexistence. The results highlight the identification of disruptive
behaviors and the positive impact of the ancestral pedagogical
proposal on school coexistence. The intervention provided a
practical environment for conflict resolution, promoting respect for
rules and awareness, supported by the collaboration of teachers and
Keywords: School coexistence; ancestral knowledge;
interculturality; peace chair.
El presente proyecto de investigaciĆ³n tiene como objetivo general
fortalecer la convivencia escolar de los estudiantes de la InstituciĆ³n
Educativa Jaime Roock, sede el Caimito, zona rural del distrito de
Buenaventura, a travĆ©s de una estrategia pedagĆ³gica basada en los
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
saberes ancestrales. Se utiliza un enfoque cualitativo de investigaciĆ³n
acciĆ³n participativa. La poblaciĆ³n objetivo la forman 15 educandos
afrodescendientes de 6 a 14 aƱos, pertenecientes a estratos
socioeconĆ³micos 1 y 2. La investigaciĆ³n se desarrolla en cuatro
fases: planificaciĆ³n y diseƱo, donde se establecen los objetivos
especĆ­ficos y se diseƱan las estrategias pedagĆ³gicas que implementa
la gamificaciĆ³n con 5 juegos ancestrales que involucran valores;
recolecciĆ³n de datos, que incluye la aplicaciĆ³n de encuestas,
entrevistas semiestructurada y la observaciĆ³n; anĆ”lisis de datos,
donde se categorizan y comparan las informaciones recabadas; e
InterpretaciĆ³n y conclusiones, donde se extraen conclusiones
significativas, se evalĆŗa el impacto de la estrategia pedagĆ³gica
implementada y se plantean recomendaciones para fortalecer la
convivencia escolar. Los resultados destacan la identificaciĆ³n de
comportamientos disruptivos y el impacto positivo de la propuesta
pedagĆ³gica ancestral en la convivencia escolar. La intervenciĆ³n
ofreciĆ³ un entorno prĆ”ctico para resolver conflictos, promoviendo el
respeto por las normas y la conciencia, respaldada por la
colaboraciĆ³n de docentes y padres.
Palabras clave: Convivencia escolar; saberes ancestrales;
interculturalidad; cƔtedra para la paz
O objetivo geral deste projeto de investigaĆ§Ć£o Ć© reforƧar a
convivĆŖncia escolar dos alunos da InstituiĆ§Ć£o Educativa Jaime
Roock, El Caimito, zona rural do distrito de Buenaventura, atravƩs
de uma estratĆ©gia pedagĆ³gica baseada nos conhecimentos ancestrais.
Utiliza-se uma abordagem qualitativa de investigaĆ§Ć£o-aĆ§Ć£o
participativa. A populaĆ§Ć£o-alvo Ć© constituĆ­da por 15 alunos
afrodescendentes entre os 6 e os 14 anos de idade, pertencentes aos
estratos socioeconĆ³micos 1 e 2. A investigaĆ§Ć£o desenvolve-se em
quatro fases: planificaĆ§Ć£o e desenho, onde se estabelecem os
objectivos especĆ­ficos e se desenham as estratĆ©gias pedagĆ³gicas que
implementam a gamificaĆ§Ć£o com 5 jogos ancestrais que envolvem
valores; recolha de dados, que inclui a aplicaĆ§Ć£o de inquĆ©ritos,
entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observaĆ§Ć£o; anĆ”lise de dados, onde
se categoriza e compara a informaĆ§Ć£o recolhida; e interpretaĆ§Ć£o e
conclusƵes, onde se retiram conclusƵes significativas, se avalia o
impacto da estratĆ©gia pedagĆ³gica implementada e se fazem
recomendaƧƵes para reforƧar a convivĆŖncia escolar. Os resultados
evidenciam a identificaĆ§Ć£o de comportamentos disruptivos e o
impacto positivo da proposta pedagĆ³gica ancestral na convivĆŖncia
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
escolar. A intervenĆ§Ć£o proporcionou um ambiente prĆ”tico para a
resoluĆ§Ć£o de conflitos, promovendo o respeito Ć s regras e a
conscientizaĆ§Ć£o, apoiada na colaboraĆ§Ć£o de professores e pais.
Palavras-chave: ConvivĆŖncia escolar; saberes ancestrais;
interculturalidade; cadeira da paz.
School coexistence, as a fundamental human right and an essential
component of educational policies, is evidenced in the "Education
for All" initiative, a proposal agreed upon by UNESCO Member
States in the year 2000, which establishes educational goals to
guarantee universal access to quality education. Among these goals
is the promotion of safe school environments conducive to learning.
This implies fostering peaceful coexistence and mutual respect
among members of the educational community (LĆ³pez, 2014). The
initiative recognizes that school coexistence is not only crucial for
the well-being of students, but also significantly influences their
academic performance. Therefore, promoting an inclusive and
harmonious school environment becomes a central objective to
achieve the educational quality standards established at the
international level.
According to Debarbieux (2003) cited by LĆ³pez (2014) in Latin
America the discussion on school coexistence is intertwined with
educational policies, including the trend towards punitive
environments and pressure for standardized academic results. These
policies can negatively affect school climate and increase socio-
school exclusion. On the other hand, Leyton (2020) concentration
studies in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Argentina on school
coexistence mostly show the imposition of strict disciplinary
measures as a response to conflict resolution. However, the lack of
initial teacher training in coexistence is an important gap identified
by these studies. Despite these challenges, the promotion of
democratic values and inclusion emerge as crucial pillars to address
these issues in Latin American schools.
Since 2015 in Colombia has the law of school coexistence, this
legislation establishes the ''National System of School Coexistence
and Training for the Exercise of Human, Sexual and Reproductive
Rights and the Prevention and Mitigation of School Violence'', with
the aim of creating safe environments respectful of the rights of
students (MEN, 2015). The law includes the creation of an attention
route for cases of school violence, a single national information
system to report these cases and the possibility of granting incentives
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
to institutions that promote positive coexistence. In addition,
sanctions are established for those who do not comply with
coexistence expectations. This legislation recognizes the
relationship between school violence, dropout and the high rate of
teenage pregnancy, seeking to strengthen strategies to prevent
dropout and ensure that all people can access quality education.
However, the report of the Laboratory of Economics of Education
(LEE) of the Javeriana University, based on data from the Program
for International Student Assessment (PISA) of 2018, Colombia
presents worrying figures in relation to school bullying. The
Bullying Exposure Index, created by the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD), places Colombia as the
country with the second highest exposure to bullying among Latin
American OECD member countries, after the Dominican Republic.
The analysis reveals that 32% of Colombian students aged 15
reported having suffered some type of bullying in their schools,
compared to the OECD average of 22%. In addition, 12.2% of
students indicated having been victims of theft or vandalism by other
students, 11.2% were physically assaulted, 15.9% were intentionally
excluded from activities, 18.1% were teased and 10.6% were
threatened by other students (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, n.d.).
These figures significantly exceed the OECD averages in each of
these categories.
The Jaime Roock Educational Institution, El Caimito, in the rural
area of the district of Buenaventura, is not exempt from the above
mentioned problems that impact school coexistence. This institution
is deeply affected by the armed conflict that plagues the region. With
approximately 80% of the students being face-to-face victims of this
conflict, characterized by the presence of illegal groups that
perpetuate acts of extreme violence, such as atrocities, massacres,
extortions and confrontations, the educational community faces a
challenging reality. This situation has a devastating impact on the
lives of children in formation, who, despite the adversity, come to
school in search of a safe environment conducive to their integral
The Caimito Educational Institution is under the direction of a single
teacher who implements the new school methodology, allowing the
integration of students in multi-grade classrooms. However, due to
persistent violence, the number of students has been significantly
reduced from 28 to only 15. This complex problem is palpably
manifested in the school environment, where fights, quarrels,
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
bullying, bullying, theft, use of inappropriate language and
intolerance among students can be observed.
Despite this scenario of conflict and violence, the school community
preserves a valuable cultural richness, rooted in ancestral practices
typical of its context. Given this reality, the need arises to address
the problem of school coexistence from a perspective that recognizes
and values these ancestral practices as potential tools for the
promotion of peace and peaceful coexistence in the institution.
Therefore, the research problem is focused on the following
question: How to strengthen the school coexistence of the students
of the Jaime Roock Educational Institution, El Caminito, rural area
of the Buenaventura district through a pedagogical strategy based on
ancestral knowledge?
Several authors have addressed similar problems such as the work of
Carranza et al. (2021), "Saberes ancestrales: una revisiĆ³n para
fomentar el rescate y revalorizaciĆ³n en las comunidades indĆ­genas
del Ecuador" (Ancestral knowledge: a review to promote the rescue
and revalorization in the indigenous communities of Ecuador),
stresses the importance of protecting and promoting ancestral
knowledge in the Ecuadorian indigenous context. This knowledge
covers essential aspects such as environmental preservation,
agriculture, traditional medicine, handicrafts, mother tongues and
ancestral gastronomy, contributing significantly to the identity and
culture of the communities. Integrating this knowledge into
pedagogical strategies is vital to strengthen school coexistence and
revalue local culture, reinforcing the connection between education
and community.
AragĆ³n A. (2019), in his research on school coexistence from social
education, emphasizes the need to address school conflicts beyond
bullying, proposing mediation and conflict resolution techniques to
improve the educational environment. This approach highlights the
importance of intervening from the beginning in wrongdoing to
prevent serious situations, obtaining good results in the solution of
school problems. These findings support the implementation of a
comprehensive pedagogical strategy that addresses conflicts from
different perspectives, promoting a more harmonious educational
The research by Roncancio et al. (2017), focused on emotional
intelligence and school coexistence in second grade students,
demonstrates how emotional intelligence positively influences
coexistence. Emotional expression, the role of adults and
coexistence are closely connected in the school experience. These
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
results support the proposed pedagogical strategy, highlighting the
need to enhance students' emotional skills to improve school
coexistence and create a more inclusive and supportive educational
The study by Valderrama (2018), explore the influence of school
coexistence on human development and values in eighth grade
students in Bogota. This study evidences negative behaviors and lack
of human development, highlighting the importance of family
influences in the formation of values. The research highlights the
need to identify and address the problems in parenting patterns that
affect the formation of students. This approach is relevant to
characterize students and strengthen school coexistence in the
current educational context, providing a valuable frame of reference
for future research.
The official website of the Ministry of Education states that in
Colombia education is an integral process that encompasses the
permanent, cultural and social formation of the person. This
conception, rooted in the dignity, rights and duties of each
individual, implies guaranteeing an educational environment free of
violence, where pedagogical practices take place in a climate of
peace and respect, as established in Article 20 of the Political
Constitution of Colombia. It is crucial to recognize that peace is not
only a fundamental right, but also a mandatory duty, especially in
the school context, where students must enjoy this constitutional
In line with this vision, Law 1620 of 2013 promotes education for
peace, citizenship skills and respect for diversity, with the aim of
forming active individuals who are aware of their rights. It is
essential to highlight that school coexistence is affected by various
social factors, such as isolation and geographic distance in rural
areas, which can manifest in a lack of social interaction among
students and hinder the development of social skills. In addition,
limited access to educational and health services in these areas
deepens social gaps and affects the quality of life and development
of children.
The law also emphasizes respect and appreciation of diversity,
without discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity
or physical condition. Given this reality, it is necessary to propose
comprehensive solutions that involve communities, governments,
organizations and educational institutions to improve access to
essential services and promote community participation, in order to
create inclusive and peaceful educational environments.
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
The Jaime Roock Educational Institution, located at the Caimito site
in the rural area of the district of Buenaventura, fully complies with
the legal framework and the guidelines established by the Ministry
of Education. In this sense, the research was fundamental in the
context of the institution, since it sought to strengthen school
coexistence with a pedagogical proposal through ancestral
knowledge. To carry out this project, the educational institution
provides both the personnel and the necessary resources, thus
guaranteeing the success and effectiveness of the initiative.
The specific objectives include characterizing school conflict in the
institution by identifying its manifestations, causes and
repercussions on student coexistence; designing a pedagogical
proposal that promotes student coexistence through ancestral
knowledge; implementing this pedagogical strategy in multi-grade
students; and evaluating the impact of the implemented pedagogical
Law 1620 (2013) and Decree 1965 (2013) establish the "National
System of School Coexistence and Training for Human Rights,
Education for Sexuality and the Prevention and Mitigation of School
Violence" Emphasizing on school coexistence refers to the set of
relationships, interactions and dynamics that take place within an
educational community, including students, teachers, administrative
staff and parents, for a positive school coexistence implies mutual
respect, tolerance, peaceful conflict resolution and the promotion of
an inclusive and safe learning environment.
Decree 1038 (2015) in accordance with Law 1732 (2014),
establishes the chair for peace in Colombian educational institutions.
In order for the learner to interact in spaces free of violence, leading
to conceptualize peace as a state of tranquility, harmony and absence
of conflict, both at interpersonal level and at the level of societies
and communities, this action involves the non-violent resolution of
disputes, respect for human rights and the promotion of social
justice. From Freud's psychoanalytic perspective: From Freud's
psychoanalytic perspective, according to Berger (2016) it is
emphasized that unconscious experiences and desires rooted in
childhood are fundamental in the formation of personality and have
influence on the behavior and thinking of people throughout their
lives, i.e., that contexts of violence in childhood can generate
behaviors and attitudes that affect relationships with others.
Tirzo and Guadalupe (2010) point out that "cultural dynamics
involve processes of an internal nature, those that allow group
knowledge to be shared and that are presented as fundamentally
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
intergenerational educational processes: mother tongue, customs,
traditions, myths, rituals, food and group history are examples
present in every social group" therefore ancestral knowledge is an
intrinsic part of the training process in the members of these
communities, and it is also included as a training strategy as an axis
in coexistence in peace, since ancestral knowledge is knowledge,
traditions, practices and beliefs transmitted from generation to
generation within a community, often over centuries. This
knowledge is rooted in the culture and history of a specific group
and may include knowledge about traditional medicine, agriculture,
rituals, cultural values, mythology, and other aspects of daily life.
Ancestral knowledge are practices, methods, experiences, skills,
abilities, signs and symbols rooted in the culture of communities and
transmitted from generation to generation (Suarez, 2024). UNESCO
(2001) stresses the relevance of traditional and ancestral knowledge
as an enriching heritage for all humanity, fostering dialogue and
preserving cultural diversity. However, historically, this knowledge
has been marginalized by colonial logics of power and knowledge.
In this context, the ecology of knowledge proposed by De Souza
(2004) promotes an inclusive dialogue between proper and universal
knowledge, generating new epistemologies and broader epistemic
communities. This approach recognizes the importance of the oral
transmission of ancestral knowledge, which endures through time as
a historical legacy. The valuation and legitimization of this
knowledge contributes to a broader and more diverse understanding
of human knowledge, thus enriching the cultural heritage of
According to GaitƔn (2013), gamification is a learning technique that
transfers the mechanics of games to the professional educational
environment to obtain better results, either by absorbing knowledge
more effectively, improving skills or rewarding specific actions,
among other objectives.
The game model really works because it motivates students, fosters
greater engagement and stimulates a sense of achievement. A series
of mechanical and dynamic techniques extrapolated from games are
employed, focusing on student performance. according to Gaitan
(2013) mechanical techniques are ways of rewarding the user based
on the objectives achieved. Some of these techniques include:
Point accumulation: A numerical value is assigned to various actions
and these points are accumulated as they are performed.
Level escalation: A series of levels are established that the user must
pass in order to advance to the next level.
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
Obtaining prizes: Prizes are awarded as recognition for reaching the
objectives, forming a sort of "collection".
Gifts: These are goods or rewards that are given to the player for free
when a specific objective is met.
Rankings: Users are organized into rankings or categories according
to the points or objectives they have achieved.
Challenges: Competitions between users, where the best
performance is rewarded with points or rewards.
Missions or challenges: Consists of solving or overcoming a
proposed challenge, either individually or as a team.
Some of the most commonly used dynamic techniques include
reward, status, achievement and competition.
Regarding game strategies, Hazas (2014) cited by Magdalena
(2019) highlights the importance of establishing clear objectives
before designing the game, focusing on a specific and motivating
challenge, establishing clear rules, adapting the difficulty of the
game to the students' level of mastery, and promoting healthy
competition through cooperative games. In addition, Vygotsky
(1984) proposes that play plays a fundamental role in the
development and control of psychological processes. According to
his theory, play acts as the guiding activity that drives children's
social, affective, and intellectual development.
This research is based on a qualitative approach that allows us to
analyze the interactions and experiences of those involved in the
Jaime Roock Educational Institution. This approach allows
obtaining detailed data rich in interpretations, providing a deep
contextualization of the environment and capturing unique
experiences. In addition, it offers a "fresh, natural and holistic" view
of the phenomena studied, as well as great flexibility in its
application (HernƔndez, FernƔndez, & Baptista, 2014). The Action
Research method will be used to address school conflict and improve
coexistence. This approach involves the community and seeks to
transform problematic sociocultural realities through the active
participation of those involved.
The population to intervene is formed by 15 students belonging to
the Afrodescendant ethnic group, composed of boys and girls with
ages ranging from 6 to 14 years old; located in the El Caimito branch
of the Jaime Roock Educational Institution, rural area of the Raposo
River in the Special District of Buenaventura. The non-probabilistic
sample is composed of 5 students of the Jaime Roock Educational
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
Institution, including those who present situations of coexistence and
excluding those who are frequently absent from the institution due
to certain situations.
The research includes direct observation and semi-structured
interviews. The implementation of the pedagogical proposal is done
through gamification and observation and survey techniques. The
evaluation of the impact is done through the semi-structured
Most students perceive an improvement in coexistence, especially
highlighting the incorporation of more games for recess and the
promotion of respect among classmates by learning about different
cultures. However, some indicate that it has not improved
significantly, but they feel more integrated in the activities. The
strategy has also generated greater awareness of how to manage
conflicts, evidenced by the fact that students now inform teachers
when they feel offended by their peers.
The implementation of the strategy has contributed positively to
students' perception of the importance of resolving conflicts
peacefully. Most participants feel more confident and responsible for
keeping the peace at school. In addition, they have developed skills
to communicate their feelings and opinions without resorting to
violence, evidencing a deeper understanding of the diversity of
opinions and the importance of dialogue.
The results show a slight but clear evolution in the way students deal
with conflicts, reflecting a greater willingness to communicate, listen
and seek solutions. They have expressed ideas associated with skills
to handle conflict situations in a calmer manner, demonstrating
greater empathy. In addition, there is an increase in confidence to
ask the teacher for help when needed.
Students have mixed opinions about the strategy. Some find it cool
and exciting because of the opportunity to learn new and different
things, while others find it not very interesting. However, most
recognize the importance of the strategy for learning about and
respecting cultural traditions and also that they agree with what
parents teach them.
The students express that they have experienced positive changes in
the way they interact with their peers, evidencing greater enthusiasm
and connection. They feel more comfortable sharing experiences and
traditions, which has strengthened the bonds between them and
fostered a greater appreciation of cultural diversity in the school.
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
Student suggestions include incorporating more activities to learn
about other cultures, holding team games and additional talks on
conflict resolution, as well as including parents in more school
activities. They also express interest in having more time to share
family stories and learning how to communicate better in conflict
situations. These suggestions aim to deepen the positive impact of
the strategy on the school community, promoting peaceful
coexistence and respect for cultural diversity. The traditional games
used in the pedagogical proposal not only promoted coexistence
among students, but also facilitated the development of social and
emotional skills. This result is consistent with Vygotsky's theory
(1984) where he emphasizes the importance of play as the practical
setting for the cognitive and social development of students.
On the other hand, although the results of the intervention of the
pedagogical proposal show an improvement in school coexistence
and conflict management, some students still express a certain
degree of dissatisfaction or lack of interest in the pedagogical
strategy. This discrepancy could be attributed to individual or
contextual factors that were not fully addressed in the design of the
proposal. This aspect should be complemented with contributions
from Dewey, who highlights the importance of adapting educational
strategies to the specific context of the students, suggesting the need
for greater personalization and flexibility in the implementation of
the proposal.
The participation of parents in school activities not only
strengthened the ties between the school and the community, but also
provided students with a practical and meaningful learning
experience, coincides with the study by Roncancio et al. (2017) in
which the influence of adults in the development of emotional
intelligence was evidenced.
Another important aspect to consider is the transformation observed
in students throughout the implementation of the pedagogical
strategy. The results show a greater awareness of how to handle
conflicts peacefully, as well as an increase in confidence to
communicate their feelings and opinions. This transformation
reflects the positive influence of the pedagogical proposal on the
socioemotional development of students, which is consistent with
Kohlberg's theory of moral development (Triglia, 2016) which
indicates that individuals go through different stages of moral
development, and the practical experience of resolving conflicts can
contribute to the advancement of students in these stages as
evidenced in the implementation of the pedagogical proposal.
Revista Iberoamericana de la EducaciĆ³n, Vol - 8 No. 3, July - September 2024
Strengthening school coexistence through ancestral knowledge
Including ancestral knowledge such as values, games and stories in
education is a strategy to promote peaceful coexistence, which is in
line with the vision of Tirzo and Guadalupe (2010) on the essential
role of this knowledge in the formation of communities. However,
students also show a marked interest in exploring games from other
cultures, which evidences an openness to diversity. These interests
complement each other to propose a strategy that integrates both
approaches in education, as it can significantly enrich the learning
experience and strengthen school coexistence.
The rules of the game and classroom pacts are fundamental to
strengthen coexistence and foster the socioemotional development
of students. This idea coincides with the perspective of Hazas
(2014), who highlights the importance of establishing clear rules to
promote healthy competition. Both the rules of the game and
classroom compacts provide the necessary structure and establish
regulations for interaction among students. However, it is essential
to recognize that, although both aspects share the common goal of
fostering peaceful coexistence, each focuses on different aspects of
school coexistence and ethics. While the rules of the game focus on
the organization of recreational activities, the classroom pacts
address a broader situation of expected behaviors and attitudes
within the school environment.
The presence of foul language, derogatory words and aggressiveness
in play are normalized aspects in the personality of rooted students
and intervention should be greater from the perspective of Stassen
(2016), who highlights the lasting influence of childhood
experiences on personality formation and interpersonal relationships
throughout life. This influence can significantly affect students'
development of social and emotional skills, shaping their attitudes
toward respect and empathy, and their ability to resolve conflicts
The implementation of the pedagogical strategy based on ancestral
knowledge in the Jaime Roock Educational Institution, El Caimito,
rural area of the district of Buenaventura, represents a considerable
advance in the strengthening of school coexistence and the
promotion of values of respect and tolerance in the educational
community. This proposal offers numerous possibilities for
application in other similar educational contexts. One of the main
applications of this strategy lies in its ability to recognize and value
the ancestral knowledge of different communities, which allows a