Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
The skills are developed in each individual in a different way is based
on their capabilities and is based on their potential strengths for
growth according to the environment, life experience, education
received, supported by their competence and their motivation
(Vergel-Ortega & et,al, 2016).
The learning of students with incomplete schooling is related to the
theory of Gardner (1983). He stated that intelligence is not an innate
ability that can control everything from creativity to problem solving
skills. His theory does not dispute the existence of intelligence in
general, but assumes that there are intelligences that are not included
in this, known as intelligence. Furthermore, he argues that human
intelligence is located in different regions of the brain that are
intimately related, that are interdependent although if necessary they
can function independently of each other and can be stimulated and
developed under different conditions (Emst-Slavit, 2001).
The theory of information processing Robert Gagné cited by (Fausto
& Cornejo, 2020) argues that today, learning Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) is something that has been taken
seriously, technological progress requires us to update day by day to
be able to do so our daily operations, digital processes are more
repetitive in different areas of daily life, so it is essential to learn to
use different media.
The problem is not necessarily learning, but how to learn, and this
situation increases with age. Indeed, Jiménez, Lancho, Sanz and Sanz
(2010) mention that "learning capacity decreases with age" (p.119).
This theory is related to the computational skills that students with
unfinished schooling must develop, which in many occasions
becomes a critical knot due to the difficulties that it presents, since
part of the material that they must use as cd zoom is difficult for them
at the moment of manipulating the tools.
Maslow (1920) states that the needs of human beings guide or direct
them as an engine to face the differences they face in the environment
in which they develop. Among them are the needs of self-fulfillment:
they are the highest, at the top of the hierarchy; it satisfies the needs
of a person and does what he/she is "born for", that is, it is the
realization of his/her personal potential through a particular activity,
which is why the population of Santa Elena should be encouraged so
that more and more people know the importance of the ABC
Campaign for Everyone program.
The motivation of students with incomplete schooling relates to
Bandura (1993), in his social cognitive theory, as he mentioned that
motivation is seen as the product of two main forces, the individual's