Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
e-ISSN: 2737-632x
Pgs 24-36
* Master in Education Administration,
Ministry of Education
https://orcid.org/0009 - 0001 - 5298 -
* Master's Degree in Basic Education,
Ministry of Education
https://orcid.org/0009 - 0009 - 0355 -
* Bachelor of Science in Education,
mention in Primary Education,
Ministry of Education.
https://orcid.org/0009 - 0001 - 4453 -
* Master's Degree in Basic Education,
Ministry of Education
https://orcid.org/0009 - 0000 - 7994 -
Received: July, 2024
Approved: September, 2024
How to cite:
Tumbaco, M., Constante, J.,
Álvarez, P., Tumbaco, C.
(2024) Impact of the
educational program
Campaign all ABC and
learning in students with
unfinished schooling, in an
educational unit, Santa Elena.
Revista Iberoamericana De
educación, 8 (4).
Impact of the Campaign for All ABC
educational program and learning in
students with incomplete schooling in an
educational unit, Santa Elena
Impacto del Programa educativo Campaña todos ABC y aprendizaje en
estudiantes con escolaridad inconclusa, en una unidad educativa, Santa
Impacto do programa educativo Campanha para Todos ABC e
aprendizagem em alunos com escolaridade incompleta numa unidade
educativa, Santa Elena
Magaly Cecilia Tumbaco Morales*
Julia Patricia Constante Suárez *
Patricia Fernanda Álvarez Gallegos*
Consuelo de Lourdes Tumbaco Rosales *
The general objective of this research was to determine the level of
impact of the ABC Campaign Educational Program on learning in
students with incomplete schooling, in an educational unit, Santa
Elena, it is of a basic type with a correlational design. The data
collected through the survey technique by means of questionnaires as
instruments applied to a sample of 30 units of analysis, among
students of both sexes of the levels of literacy, Basic Education,
Intensive Higher Basic Education, Intensive High School of an
educational unit of Santa Elena, the reliability is high for both
instruments as can be evidenced in the Cronbach's Alpha. The results
determined that the level of Impact of the ABC Campaign
Educational Program on learning in students with incomplete
schooling, demonstrating its impact at a high level with 93%, as well
as for learning characteristics in students with incomplete schooling,
90% at a high level, the characteristics of the ABC Campaign
Educational Program on academic performance in students with
incomplete schooling 93% at a high level and 100% for motivation
in students with incomplete schooling.
Keywords: Campaign for All ABC Educational Program, learning,
unfinished schooling, Basic Education, Basic Education.
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
Esta investigación presentó como objetivo general determinar el
nivel de Impacto del Programa Educativo Campaña todos ABC en el
aprendizaje en estudiantes con escolaridad inconclusa, en una unidad
educativa, Santa Elena, es de tipo básica con un diseño correlacional.
Los datos recogidos mediante la técnica de la encuesta mediante los
cuestionarios como instrumentos aplicados a una muestra de 30
unidades de análisis, entre los estudiantes de ambos sexos de los
niveles de alfabetización, Educación Básica, Educación Básica
Superior Intensiva, bachillerato intensivo de una unidad educativa de
Santa Elena, la confiabilidad es alta para ambos instrumentos como
se puede evidencia en el Alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados
determinaron que el nivel de Impacto del Programa Educativo
Campaña todos ABC en el aprendizaje en estudiantes con escolaridad
inconclusa, demostrando su impacto en el nivel alto con el 93%, de
igual forma que para características del aprendizaje en estudiantes
con escolaridad inconclusa, 90% en nivel alto las características del
Programa Educativo Campaña todos ABC en el desempeño
académico en estudiantes con escolaridad inconclusa el 93% en nivel
alto y el 100% para la motivación en estudiantes con escolaridad
Palabras clave: Programa Educativo Campaña todos ABC,
aprendizaje escolaridad inconclusa, Educación Básica
O objetivo geral desta investigação foi determinar o nível de impacto
do Programa Educativo da Campanha ABC na aprendizagem dos
alunos com escolaridade incompleta numa unidade educativa, Santa
Elena, e é do tipo básico com um desenho correlacional. Os dados
coletados através da técnica de pesquisa por meio de questionários
como instrumentos aplicados a uma amostra de 30 unidades de
análise, entre estudantes de ambos os sexos dos níveis de
alfabetização, Educação Básica, Educação Básica Superior
Intensiva, Ensino Médio Intensivo de uma unidade educacional de
Santa Elena, a confiabilidade é alta para ambos os instrumentos,
como pode ser evidenciado no Alfa de Cronbach. Os resultados
determinaram que o nível de Impacto do Programa Educacional
Campanha Todo ABC sobre a aprendizagem em alunos com
escolaridade incompleta, demonstrando seu impacto em nível alto
com 93%, assim como para caraterísticas da aprendizagem em
alunos com escolaridade incompleta, 90% em nível alto, as
caraterísticas do Programa Educacional Campanha Todo ABC sobre
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
o desempenho acadêmico em alunos com escolaridade incompleta
93% em nível alto e 100% para motivação em alunos com
Palavras-chave: Programa Educacional Campanha Todo ABC,
aprendizagem, escolaridade incompleta, Educação Básica.
This research treatise, entitled Impact of the educational program
ABC campaign for all on students with unfinished schooling in an
educational unit, Santa Elena, seeks to determine the impact of the
educational continuation and improvement project on young people
and adults with educational procrastination. Reyes Velásquez and
Rosero Chango (2019) in their thesis at the Central University of
Ecuador point out that school dropout in a generalized manner in the
educational system has economic and social repercussions such as:
illiteracy, child labor, conflict to enter the labor market and
participation in reprehensible activities.
In Latin America there are several factors and problems that make
individuals more vulnerable to lag and dropout in education; among
them are poverty, inequality, social or family conflicts, exclusion,
and in the last two years the factor of confinement by covid 19 was
added, among others. According to Miranda Lopez (2019) in his
article mentions that, in Latin America, there is still a considerable
gap in the realization of their right to education, which is greater than
in higher secondary education, which translates not only in
accessibility gaps between populations, but also in the difficulties
faced by adolescents to attend school. Furthermore, even if they try
to stay there, they do not acquire the necessary learning or develop
the necessary skills to develop a successful life and, ultimately,
integration into the world of work.
According to estimates by the United Nations, UNICEF (2021),
approximately 90,000 students would be left without access to the
education system. Not attending school makes conflicts such as child
labor, begging, sexual exploitation and forced recruitment for illegal
activities visible. It is imperative that we all work together to support
inclusive education to prevent this number from growing (United
Nations (UNICEF 2021).
In the Ecuadorian territory a considerable number of people have
problems accessing the education system as evidenced by the data
obtained through the ENEMDU survey from 2010 to 2016 the level
of illiteracy has decreased from 9% in 2010 to 6.5% in 2016 of which
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
73% belong to subjects aged 50 years and older (National Institute of
Statistics and Census- INEC, 2016) This leads to illiteracy and thus
limiting a better quality of life.
Based on the above, the following question is formulated: What is
the level of impact of the ABC Campaign Educational Program on
learning in students with incomplete schooling in an educational unit,
Santa Elena?
On the other hand, the general objective of this research is to
determine the level of impact of the ABC Campaign Educational
Program on learning in students with incomplete schooling in an
educational unit, Santa Elena, with specific objectives:
- To diagnose the learning characteristics of students with
incomplete schooling in an educational unit, Santa Elena.
- To describe the characteristics of the ABC Campaign
Educational Program in the academic performance of
students with incomplete schooling in an educational unit,
Santa Elena.
- To describe the characteristics of the ABC Campaign
Educational Program in the motivation of students with
incomplete schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena.
According to the United Nations (2020) in Article 26...paragraph 2,
"The aim of education shall be the full development of the human
personality and greater respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms; to promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among
all nations, racial or religious groups, and to further the development
of United Nations peacekeeping operations."
For humanity, universal and personal discovery is an important factor
for its evolution; therefore, education promulgates the search and
perfection of knowledge, the connection with other beings, the
opportunities for well-being among other achievements; this makes
the individual a tolerant, empathetic, understanding and respectful
being, without taking into account certain discriminatory
characteristics, which should no longer exist today.
According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (2019) Education is a human right fundamental to
UNESCO's mission and inextricably linked to the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (1948) as well as other international
human rights tools." The right to education is one of the guiding
principles underpinning the 2030 Agenda for Global Education.
The educational program represents an offer proposed by the
Ministry of Education, through the Todo ABC campaign, consisting
of four phases: literacy, basic and secondary education, intensive
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
high school, with the objective of eradicating illiteracy, and the
introduction into the labor market of the members of society required
to complete the study program.
The educational program Campaña todos ABC Training for
Ecuadorians throughout life, linked to enhance skills, competencies
and abilities that contribute to develop on a daily basis and, therefore,
provide alternatives to the problems and conflicts (Ministry of
Education, 2018) of their context. This program consists of four
First phase the study methodology consists in that the student must
dedicate 15 minutes of the day to listen to the educational audios from
the place where he/she is at home or work and must also attend the
pedagogical tutoring classes for 6 academic hours, each student is
assigned a kit that is composed of a workbook and a CD where he/she
will find all the classes that serve as academic reinforcement. The
duration is 10 months, 8 pedagogical hours of 40 m per day.
The second phase is aimed at students 15 years of age and older who
for various reasons were not integrated into the education system or
had to leave it, these students receive two hours of academic
reinforcement daily from Monday to Friday in a classroom setting
for 24 months.
Third phase the intensive Higher Basic education is aimed at students
aged 15, who are disengaged from the educational system for 3 years
or more and who completed their Higher Basic Education, finished
the period of classes students will receive a promotion certification
equivalent to 10th grade of General Basic Education (Ministry of
Education, 2018b).
The fourth phase of the intensive baccalaureate is aimed at students
18 years of age and older who need to complete their studies either
for a better job or a better quality of life, as a methodology students
have at their disposal educational resources for each area of
knowledge, the district assigns an educational institution and class
schedules are Monday through Friday.
These programs are governed to young people and adults with
educational deficit because it allows the population to complete basic
and middle basic education, in less time common sense (Ministry of
Education, 2018). It is necessary to start from the knowledge of the
legal regulations that founds the Todos ABC campaign, as well as the
academic offer that it presents to the population that for various
reasons could not access schooling it is important that this program
opens a gap of equity to the most vulnerable population.
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
The skills are developed in each individual in a different way is based
on their capabilities and is based on their potential strengths for
growth according to the environment, life experience, education
received, supported by their competence and their motivation
(Vergel-Ortega & et,al, 2016).
The learning of students with incomplete schooling is related to the
theory of Gardner (1983). He stated that intelligence is not an innate
ability that can control everything from creativity to problem solving
skills. His theory does not dispute the existence of intelligence in
general, but assumes that there are intelligences that are not included
in this, known as intelligence. Furthermore, he argues that human
intelligence is located in different regions of the brain that are
intimately related, that are interdependent although if necessary they
can function independently of each other and can be stimulated and
developed under different conditions (Emst-Slavit, 2001).
The theory of information processing Robert Gagné cited by (Fausto
& Cornejo, 2020) argues that today, learning Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) is something that has been taken
seriously, technological progress requires us to update day by day to
be able to do so our daily operations, digital processes are more
repetitive in different areas of daily life, so it is essential to learn to
use different media.
The problem is not necessarily learning, but how to learn, and this
situation increases with age. Indeed, Jiménez, Lancho, Sanz and Sanz
(2010) mention that "learning capacity decreases with age" (p.119).
This theory is related to the computational skills that students with
unfinished schooling must develop, which in many occasions
becomes a critical knot due to the difficulties that it presents, since
part of the material that they must use as cd zoom is difficult for them
at the moment of manipulating the tools.
Maslow (1920) states that the needs of human beings guide or direct
them as an engine to face the differences they face in the environment
in which they develop. Among them are the needs of self-fulfillment:
they are the highest, at the top of the hierarchy; it satisfies the needs
of a person and does what he/she is "born for", that is, it is the
realization of his/her personal potential through a particular activity,
which is why the population of Santa Elena should be encouraged so
that more and more people know the importance of the ABC
Campaign for Everyone program.
The motivation of students with incomplete schooling relates to
Bandura (1993), in his social cognitive theory, as he mentioned that
motivation is seen as the product of two main forces, the individual's
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
expectation of achieving a goal and the value of this goal to oneself.
In other words, what is important to people is, if I work hard, can I
succeed? And if I get there, whether or not the result has value,
motivation is the product of these two forces, because if one factor
has zero value, there is no incentive to work towards a goal (Edel
Navarro, 2003).
One of the most relevant aspects for learning to take place is
motivation, and it is certain that when it does not exist, students find
it difficult to learn. These cases do not always occur; sometimes what
happens is a mismatch between the motivation of the teacher and the
motivation of the student, or it becomes a vicious circle where they
are not motivated because they do not learn. To address motivation
and its relationship with learning, especially in terms of giving it a
bidirectional representation, it is necessary to examine aspects that
directly affect the relationship. Motivation becomes the engine of
learning; it is this spark that allows you to ignite it and favors the
development of the process. According to Woolfolk, "motivation is
generally defined as something that drives and directs behavior in
this way, it becomes an active part of the student's actions. (Ospina
Rodríguez, 2016).
The type of research is basic research. According to (Paniagua-
Machicao & Condor, 2018) it is called basic research because it
tributes to applied research. It is basic because its motive is scientific
inquiry, its objective is correct science, its desire is to discover, to
establish new knowledge, modifying or deepening already existing
scientific knowledge.
It is a main part because it is unavoidable to develop scientific
research, to advance knowledge. This research work has a descriptive
quantitative approach. According to Landeau (2007), Cruz, Olivares
& González (2014), the quantitative approach aims to determine the
level of relationship between variables, and to generalize and
categorize the results to a sample. It allows inferences to be made as
well as a clarification of the why and wherefore of a given event of
the object of study.
In relation to the design, a non-experimental study was carried out
according to Hernández Sampieri & et al, (2010) Non-experimental
research is carried out without the intentional manipulation of
variables by the researcher. That is, it is a study in which we
intentionally do not adjust the independent variables. It should be
taken into consideration that in non-experimental research it is
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
necessary to observe the object of study as they occur in the natural
environment in order to be able to analyze them.
The independent variable Educational program, All ABC campaign
is a proposal made by the Ministry of Education, through the All
ABC campaign, literacy, basic and secondary education, with the
objective of eradicating illiteracy, being necessary that the members
of society participate in literacy and complete the program of studies
and training. For Ecuadorians throughout life, through skills,
abilities, skills, competencies that contribute to the daily
development and, therefore, provide alternatives to the problems and
conflicts of their environment (Ministry of Education, 2018).
In relation to, the operationalization of the independent variable.
ABC educational program campaign for all. Changoluisa Velasco
and Becerra García (2021) was operationalized from the aspects of
both positive and negative impact; as a first point, the main points of
the Todos ABC Campaign should be taken into consideration the
most important which is the free educational materials, the flexibility
of schedules as well as the negative aspects such as the management
of ICTs and the learning methodologies applied by the tutors.
For this research work, the population consisted of 30 students from
an educational unit in Santa Elena. A study population is a defined,
limited and accessible set of cases that will form references for the
selection of the sample, and meet a complete set of predefined criteria
(Arias-Gómez, 2016).
The sample is a subset or part of the universe or population in which
the survey was conducted. There are methods to achieve the number
of elements of the sample such as formulas, logic, etc. that we will
see later. The sample is a representative part of the population.
In relation to the validity of the instrument. According to (López
Fernández, 2019), the validity of an instrument is a fundamental part
of a scientific research, since it is through them that conclusions are
drawn from the work carried out. The validation of the instrument
used was evaluated by means of expert judgment in the line of
research to which this research contributes. Juana Rosa Malavé
Muñoz Mgtr. in Design and Evaluation of Educational Models, Alba
Virginia Solano Yagual MSc. in Pedagogy, Maricruz Alexandra
Villao Torres MSc. in Child Care in Early Childhood Primary
Taking into consideration Reliability of the instrument The results of
the study can be considered reliable when they have a high degree of
validity, that is, when there is no bias. Therefore, once you test a file
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
the scale is repeatable and consistent, so you can conclude that it is
reliable. Using a Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient.
It begins with a look at the problem, seeking information pertinent to
the present investigation with the purpose of pointing out the facts of
the matter and establishing the objectives and methodology;
Likewise, the realization of the referred survey was projected and the
chronogram of activities was taken into consideration; likewise the
tools elaborated were applied to the pilot test for this purpose were
validated and approved by experts to be applied to the students of an
educational institution; then we proceeded to obtain the rank through
Cronbach's Alpha in this way the criteria of reliability were fulfilled.
In relation to the general objective: To determine the level of impact
of the ABC Campaign Educational Program on learning in students
with incomplete schooling in an educational unit, Santa Elena, the
results can be seen in Table 3, Figure 1, which shows that 0% are at
low levels, 7% at medium level and 93% at high level. In the table it
should also be noted that the correlation between the variables of
study, -0.377. Valuing that it is low negative and the significance
level is 0.40, which shows that there is a significant correlation at the
level of 0.50.
These results are related to Maslow's theory (1920), which states that
the needs of human beings guide or direct them as an engine to face
the differences they face in the environment in which they develop.
Among them are the needs of self-fulfillment: they are the highest, at
the top of the hierarchy; it satisfies the needs of a person and does
what he/she is "born for", that is, it is the realization of his/her
personal potential through a particular activity, which is why the
population of Santa Elena should be encouraged so that more and
more people know the importance of the ABC Campaign for
Everyone program.
In relation to specific objective 1: To diagnose the characteristics of
learning in students with incomplete schooling, in an educational
unit, Santa Elena; in Table 4 Figure 2, it can be observed that 0% are
at low levels, 7% at medium level and 93% at high level, also in Table
11 there is evidence of correlation between the variables of study, -
0.377. Valuing that it is low negative and the significance level is
0.40, which shows that there is a significant correlation at the level
of 0.50.
Specific Objective 2: Describe the characteristics of the Campaign
All ABC Educational Program in the academic performance of
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
students with incomplete schooling, in an educational unit, Santa
Elena, it is observed that 7% are in the medium level and 93% in the
high level. (Table 6) Table 12 shows that the correlation level is -
0.237, which is low negative and the significance level is 0.207,
which indicates that there is a significant direct relationship.
The educational offer of the intensive Higher Basic Education
training program for young people and adults, is subject to analysis
of the demographic and territorial conditions of people with
unfinished studies, before making the diagnosis to identify the
territories with the highest rates of unfinished schooling and
characteristics of the population and its context. This action is
intended to serve populations with unfinished schooling that have
limited access to the offer, due to the socio-demographic context
where they live (income poverty, unsatisfied basic needs, rural areas,
among others) this can be reflected in the desertion by students since
the place of residence plays an important role at the time of
accessibility to classes whether they are virtual or face-to-face.
Specific Objective 3: Describe the characteristics of the ABC
Campaign Educational Program in the motivation of students with
incomplete schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena, Santa
Elena. In table 8, figure 6, it can be seen that 0% are in the low level,
47% in the medium level and 53% in the high level. Table 12 shows
that the correlation level is -0.237, indicating that it is low negative
and the significance level is 0.207, which indicates that there is a
significant direct relationship. Antonio Monclús (1990) cited by
(Arzate Salgado, 2001)
For this author, the teaching-learning process of adults should be part
of lifelong learning, so that "adult education is understood as the use
of all means and personality provided to all adults, so it will be a
universal education".
It has been determined that the Impact of the Educational Program
Campaign all ABC on learning in students with incomplete schooling
presents a high level (93%) correlation between the study variables,
-0.377 and the significance level is 0.40, which shows that there is a
significant correlation at the level of 0.50, which reaffirms that
Maslow's theory states that the needs of human beings guide them as
an engine to face the differences they face in the environment where
they develop. Among them are the needs of self-fulfillment.
Regarding the characteristics of the Educational Program Campaign
all ABC in academic performance in students with unfinished
Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación, Vol - 8 No. 4, October - December 2024
Impact of the educational program Campaign all ABC and learning in students with unfinished
schooling, in an educational unit, Santa Elena
schooling In Table 4 Figure 2, it can be observed that 0% are in low
levels, 7% medium level and 93% in high level, also As the p-
significance value is 0.007 < 0.05 we reject the null hypothesis and
accept the alternative hypothesis, that is to say that the research
variables do not have normal distribution, therefore, to analyze the
correlation It is related to Changoluisa Velasco and Becerra García
(2021) highlighting positive aspects of the Todos ABC campaign, in
which the free teaching material can be highlighted, the flexibility of
class schedules and the absence of age limit to be able to participate
in irregular teaching, except for certain restrictions imposed by the
Ministry of Education so as not to harm the general public education,
these aspects have contributed to reduce illiteracy or semi-literacy
and educational disparities in the country as a whole, people have
changed their quality of life.
It has been established that the characteristics of the Educational
Program Campaign all ABC in the academic performance of students
with unfinished schooling, it is observed that 7% at medium level and
93% at high level (Table 6). Table 12 shows that the correlation level
is -0.237, (Sierra-Fontalvo, 2006) states that andragogy is intended
for adults who wish to further develop skills, update or deepen
knowledge, and who seek to acquire new competencies. This author
also states that andragogy cannot promote a single educational model
since it contributes to the formation of passive people in the face of
change; it is aimed at designing a model that fosters the ability to
assume change, with the capacity for critical analysis, an evaluative
capacity that allows people to make decisions appropriate to the
needs of today's society.
It was established that 100% place a high level to the impact of the
ABC Campaign Educational Program and the motivation of students
with unfinished schooling, in addition, the correlation level is -0.237,
appreciating that it is low negative and the significance level is 0.207,
which indicates that there is a significant direct relationship. It shows
that motivation is a fundamental part of the realization of the human
being and affects the extent to which a student with incomplete
schooling feels intrinsically and extrinsically motivated and is
committed to finishing his studies and achieving work and personal
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