The Reading Habit in University Education

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Fernando Chuchuca Basantes
Iván Chuchuca Basantes


This research was conducted in the university system, with the objective of determining the existence of the reading habit in a segment of its students and how this frequent behavior affects their academic performance. To fulfill this purpose, the population was focused on the seventh semester of the Language and Linguistics career at the University of Guayaquil, to know from their texts the existence of the reading habit and if the documents read have contributed in their learning and academic performance.  The research was framed in the non-experimental qualitative paradigm, with a correlational, transversal, simple descriptive, phenomenological and hermeneutic approach, because it allowed us to encapsulate the opinions of the students at a specific moment, and with this information to analyze and interpret their reading behaviors, and the subsequent connotations.


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How to Cite
Chuchuca Basantes, F. ., & Chuchuca Basantes, I. . (2023). The Reading Habit in University Education. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 7(2).

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