Alternativas de fortalecimiento de la educación virtual basado en tecnologías de información y comunicación

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Ember Geovanny Zumba Novay
Norma Patricia Ulloa Yuve
Fernando Xavier Zumba Novay
Carmen Jhuliana Peña Robles
Ana Lucía Tacan Meneses


This article proposes 12 alternatives for strengthening virtual education through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based on a descriptive-quantitative study through surveys to a sample of 50 students of the Admission and Leveling Center of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH), Ecuador. It was found that students consider the use of ICT by teachers to be efficient. In addition, teachers organize their activities in an adequate way for the development of virtual classes, with continuous support before, during and after classes. Some of the alternatives were finding a suitable ICT partner, encouraging group work, and training involving classmates. It is concluded that ICT in virtual modality are essential pedagogical tools used for a complementary development and learning of students.


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Zumba Novay, E. G. ., Ulloa Yuve, N. P. ., Zumba Novay, F. X. ., Peña Robles, C. J. ., & Tacan Meneses, A. L. . (2023). Alternativas de fortalecimiento de la educación virtual basado en tecnologías de información y comunicación. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 7(2).

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