STEM methodologies and their importance in engineering training: a Scoping Review

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Franyelit Suárez-Carreño


This paper presents a bibliographic analysis of STEM methodologies in the training of engineers. For this, some scientific articles have been analyzed to know the new trends in engineering for their contribution to modern industry and the development of new technological proposals that contribute to the solution of social needs. In this sense, a brief and concise review has been made without depth to evaluate the trends required by industry 4.0 for new engineering professionals and how this should influence the educational reforms of the training of engineers. The main results show that education in polytechnic schools must readjust their profiles and curricular meshes so that future professionals can be competitive in the digitized industry.


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Suárez-Carreño, F. . (2023). STEM methodologies and their importance in engineering training: a Scoping Review. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 7(2).