Digital contents in virtual classrooms. An analysis in Ecuadorian education

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Ginger Navarrete Mendieta
Angel Luis Moreno Briones
María Elena Vera Gordillo
Byron Francisco Navarrete Mendieta


With the health crisis that humanity went through with the appearance of Covid-19, many countries are facing a great challenge, which is to be able to achieve the continuation of studies while complying with the social distancing and maintaining the same quality in education. In this sense, technological tools are shown as a means that helps and supports through its various educational programs the teaching-learning processes. The new era of technology forces education to change from its foundations in order to achieve in students an integral formation and as part of it, the ability to learn. The research developed for this proposal was of an exploratory qualitative type, sources were collected from different research works, web pages, articles in which the problem that many teachers have when developing new and practical educational resources was described. This research shows that the use of digital tools in the development of educational resources favors education, making classes more practical, interactive and dynamic.


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How to Cite
Navarrete Mendieta, G., Moreno Briones, A. L., Vera Gordillo, M. E., & Navarrete Mendieta, B. F. (2023). Digital contents in virtual classrooms. An analysis in Ecuadorian education. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 7(2).