State of the Art (or Theoretical Considerations) on the efficiency of virtual collaborative work activities in the learning process

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Milton Maridueña Arroyave
Jorge Vera Mosquera


This paper emphasizes the importance of conceiving the curriculum not as a fixed set of predefined programs, but as a provisional description of a continuous process of experimentation in educational practice. In this way, curriculum and learning analytics become a dynamic resource that adapts to the changing needs of students and the demands of society. Curriculum development involves crucial aspects such as content selection and teaching methods. Consequently, the fundamental question of how a teacher applies his or her knowledge in the classroom. Teacher research presents itself as a valuable tool for exploring the ways in which educational principles are applied in specific contexts of action. This approach, known as "Lesson and Learning Study," promotes the idea of the teacher as researcher, fostering a mindset of continuous improvement in teaching. From a professional perspective, this approach has a significant impact on teachers' work, as it contributes to the improvement of their educational practice. By adopting a more investigative approach, teachers can more accurately identify what methods and content work best in their classrooms, which in turn benefits their students. In addition, this investigative attitude can also drive scientific research in the field of education, generating valuable knowledge that can inform more effective educational policies and practices. This dynamic curricular perspective and the promotion of the teacher as a researcher have a positive impact on the quality of teaching and the advancement of educational research, contributing to the continuous development of educational praxis.


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How to Cite
Maridueña Arroyave, M., & Vera Mosquera, J. (2023). State of the Art (or Theoretical Considerations) on the efficiency of virtual collaborative work activities in the learning process. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 7(4). Retrieved from