Strategies that encourage reading in elementary school students

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Patricia Elizabeth Cepeda Navarrete
katiuska Cecilia Cepeda Navarrete
María Belén Riasco Cepeda


Reading plays an important role in education, it facilitates the expression of ideas and thoughts, but this can be diminished by several external and personal factors such as lack of motivation. The objective of this research is to elaborate a didactic guide that contributes to the training of teachers at the Higher Basic Education level on strategies focused on encouraging reading in students of the Unidad Educativa General Medardo Alfaro, the population and sample is based on three teachers who teach the subject of Language and Literature at the Higher Basic Education level, The technique used was the interview and the instrument was the questionnaire, the results obtained show a deficient development in the competencies in the use of ICT, it was possible to conclude that the teachers have certain competencies to identify the problems that arise in the classroom about reading, the importance of learning to read is discussed.


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How to Cite
Cepeda Navarrete, P. E., Cepeda Navarrete, katiuska C., & Riasco Cepeda, M. B. (2023). Strategies that encourage reading in elementary school students. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 7(4).