La docencia y las actividades recreativas como estrategia didáctica para prevenir la deserción escolar en los estudiantes de 14 a 17 años

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Ledys De La Cruz Madera Soto
Julio Elías Pereira Romero
Ángel Emiro Sequeda Reyes


In the context of contemporary education, school dropout represents a significant challenge, especially in rural areas such as Puerto Libertador, Córdoba. The research focused on the rural educational institution Simón Bolívar, looking for ways to mitigate the adverse effects of school dropout. The main objective was to develop recreational activities as a didactic strategy to counteract this phenomenon. To achieve this, the profile of at-risk students was characterized, identifying key factors that contribute to dropout in this specific context. Subsequently, a didactic strategy focused on recreational activities was designed, implemented and evaluated in terms of its impact on student retention. The results indicated that the inclusion of recreational activities, when properly integrated into the curriculum and aligned with students' needs and aspirations, can be a valuable tool to keep students engaged and reduce dropout. In conclusion, didactic strategies that consider the socioemotional needs of students, such as recreational activities, can be essential to address the persistent problem of school dropout in rural contexts.


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Madera Soto, L. D. L. C., Pereira Romero, J. E., & Sequeda Reyes, Ángel E. (2023). La docencia y las actividades recreativas como estrategia didáctica para prevenir la deserción escolar en los estudiantes de 14 a 17 años. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 7(4). Retrieved from