Approach to the theoretical foundation of the elements that intervene in communication interactivity in online classes

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Alexis Estephany Viteri Lozano
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi
Sheylha May – Ling Hoppe Coronel


The purpose of this work is to build the theoretical foundation that guides the construction of the elements that intervene in the communication development of virtual classes. For the development of this research, a bibliographic review has been carried out, which has served as a basis for the theoretical framework of the research. A type of qualitative information was followed for the argumentative design of the internal and external elements that intervene in online educational communicational interactivity. This article constitutes a preview of the conceptual contributions to the Communication and Information Technologies research line of the Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo and responds to a result of the research project: Post-Pandemic Virtual Communicational Learning Environments at the Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo and Unidad Educativa Letras y Vida


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How to Cite
Viteri Lozano, A. E., Bourne Gastezzi, C. E., & Hoppe Coronel, S. M. – L. (2024). Approach to the theoretical foundation of the elements that intervene in communication interactivity in online classes. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 8(2).