The reticle as an instrument of curriculum analysis in the standardized tests development

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Jorge-Gustavo Gutiérrez-Benítez
Hiram Almejo Díaz


The construction of standardized tests involves rigorous methodological processes that in turn provide guidelines for the test validity and reliability. According to this, the first test development stages focus on determining the universe of knowledge that the test intends to evaluate, an essential process to demonstrate the content validity and in turn justify the representativeness of thematic content. This article presents the design and elaboration of an instrument known as the reticule, for one of the most curricularly relevant subjects in the common core of languages in the School of Languages at the Autonomous University of Baja California. Instrument used for curricular analysis in the construction of standardized referring criteria tests, following the methodology formulated by the Institute of Educational Research and Development of the Autonomous University of Baja California, which among other methods establishes the definition of expert committees for the instrument construction and defined criteria to evaluate the thematic contents importance implied in the test.  Among the outstanding results is the determination of the curricular relevance index of all the topics that comprise the subject curriculum, a criterion used to define the representativeness of each content in the test, as well as to specify the degree of contribution of each topic to the achievement of the competency in each unit. Thematic contents were identified whose curricular relevance is indispensable for the knowledge acquisition in other learning units, as well as future knowledge for other subjects. Likewise, contents with very low curricular relevance were identified, indicating a possible deficiency in the subject curricular map construction, thus suggesting a necessary correction and updating.



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Gutiérrez-Benítez, J.-G., & Almejo Díaz, H. (2024). The reticle as an instrument of curriculum analysis in the standardized tests development. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 8(3).