Impact of digital transformation on academic performance: A study at the Minerva Educational Unit (2023)

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John Granados Romero
Catalina Vargas Pérez
Carlos Barros Bastidas


This bibliographic review article has the objective of carrying out an integrative review of the literature in English and Spanish on IQ and non-verbal intelligence as references for the consolidation of a holistic state of the art. The scope of the study is retrospective from 2013 to 2023, jointly, the use of the Integrative Review of Literature and its stages as guidelines for information filtering, highlighting the criteria for analysis of bibliographic information in the second stage, jointly, the RedENSO instrument to collate the data. The results denote that the literature related to IQ and non-verbal intelligence is incipient, most of the analyzed studies focus their development on praxis, and the qualitative scientific works are minimal. The relationship between IQ and nonverbal intelligence is complex. While IQ focuses on verbal and logical cognitive skills, nonverbal intelligence encompasses visual and spatial skills, as well as understanding emotions through nonverbal means. Both aspects are important for a full understanding of a person's intelligence, and it is essential to recognize and assess both verbal and nonverbal abilities when assessing intellectual ability.


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How to Cite
Granados Romero, J., Vargas Pérez, C., & Barros Bastidas, C. (2025). Impact of digital transformation on academic performance: A study at the Minerva Educational Unit (2023). Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 9(1), 32–42.