Didactic device to stimulate learning in pre-school children using RFID technology

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Byron Wladimir Oviedo Bayas
Dinora Alexandra Carpio Vera
Marcos David Oviedo Rodríguez
Liliana Napa-Arévalo


The aim of this study is to design and develop an electronic teaching device to stimulate learning in children aged 3 to 5 through interaction and play. A methodology based on five stages was used: literature collection, design of the embedded system, programming of the device, development of a mobile application and functional tests. The device consists of a NodeMCU ESP32, RFID readers and interactive cards that allow children to carry out playful activities related to colors, numbers and letters. In addition, an Android Studio application was developed to facilitate supervision by tutors. The results show that the device promotes meaningful learning, with 70% acceptance among the parents surveyed. This project represents an accessible and effective tool for pre-school education.


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How to Cite
Oviedo Bayas , B. W., Carpio Vera, D. A., Oviedo Rodríguez, M. D., & Napa-Arévalo, L. (2025). Didactic device to stimulate learning in pre-school children using RFID technology. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 9(1), 44–54. Retrieved from https://revista-iberoamericana.org/index.php/es/article/view/287

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