Tutoring and Training of University Students

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Carlos Enrique Bernardo Zárate
Claudia Noemi Rivera Rojas
Aurora Elizabeth Montes Yacsahuache
Benita Sonia Mancilla Curi


University tutoring is a process of accompaniment during the training of students that takes place through personalized attention and social coexistence. University Training is a set of formal approaches to didactic processes that enable the training, preparation or improvement of the student for their professional development and improvement from the beginning of their career. This initial training can be complemented with subsequent courses. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between University Tutoring and University Training of Students. The research is of a non-experimental applied type where the study of the already existing phenomenon is observed and described in its natural environment. It is concluded that, There is a direct and significant relationship between the development of tutoring and the university education of students. The participation of teachers as it has a direct relationship in the university education of students and there is a relationship between tutoring and the development of the professional profile of students, this being a non-cognitive area, which contributes to human development, it is of utmost importance its study as it will allow us to establish the dimensions and impact that this service has on student care.


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Bernardo Zárate C. E. . ., Rivera Rojas, C. N. . ., Montes Yacsahuache, A. E. . ., & Mancilla Curi, B. S. . . (2021). Tutoring and Training of University Students. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 4(3). https://doi.org/10.31876/ie.v4i3.67

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