Incidencia de la dieta balanceada en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes

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Jacqueline Fany Castro


At present, the academic performance of students worldwide is very important since the student builds his own knowledge, which is related to several factors, among them, being well nourished. This educational project will analyze the impact of a balanced diet on the academic performance of elementary school students at the Manuel Benjamín Carrión public school in the city of Guayaquil, since it has been shown that parents are not concerned about giving them a balanced diet and are unaware of the protein content of food, causing problems in their children's health and cognitive development. Children who go to school without breakfast are not motivated, have low grades in their subjects and fall asleep in class. According to the Clinical Psychologist, Carolina Peña, there is also the problem of low academic performance due to emotional, pedagogical and psychological factors.


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Fany Castro, J. . (2021). Incidencia de la dieta balanceada en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 4(2).