Published: 2023-01-04

Design and evaluation of e-activities for the conceptualization of the antiderivative

Nancy Karina Tapia Yagual, Daisy Priscila Criollo Rocohano, Tannia Gabriela Acosta Chávez, Christian Antonio Pavón Brito

Parental styles and their impact on affective development in early childhood

Lidia Patricia Estrella Acencio, Alba Isabel Heras Cordero, Alexandra Cecibel Huerta Cruz

Strengthening of the reading and writing processes through frame animation

Janne Loren Barros Peñaranda, Eder Mauricio Mantilla Mantilla

ICT tools as resources for the evaluation of curricular content in undergraduate students

Janeth Pilar Díaz Vera, Rita Carolina Egüez Cevallos, Alicia Karina Ruiz Ramírez