Published: 2024-01-10

Incorporation of educational technology for effectiveness in teaching student teachers

Santa Rocio Toala Ponce, Fanny Natividad Chanatasig Arcos, Carmen Karina Hurtado Toral, Gladys Janet Betancourt Sevilla

Learning analytics as a tool for academic monitoring of virtual students of University Technological Institutes

Milton Rafael Maridueña Arroyave, Patricia Alexandra Núñez Panta, Luz Marina Bejarano Ospina

Teaching resources to develop competencies in new TSDII students

Ruth Verónica Rivera España, Verónica del Rocío Quishpi Lucero, Randy Alexis Santos Valarezo

Digital teaching competencies in the return to face-to-face teaching

Mayra del Rocío Benavides Rodríguez, Fernando Chuchuca Basantes