Digital teaching competencies in the return to face-to-face teaching

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Mayra del Rocío Benavides Rodríguez
Fernando Chuchuca Basantes


This research was conducted at the University of Guayaquil with the purpose of knowing if the digital knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by university teachers in the virtual modality during the COVID 19 pandemic in the biennium from 2020 to 2022; digital competencies that were consolidated in the four academic quinquemestre and that are still in force in the current face-to-face modality. To fulfill this research purpose, an approach to the teachers of the disciplines selected for their academic development in the face-to-face modality in the Early Childhood Education and Basic Education Careers during the IC - 2023-2024 was foreseen, and to collect qualitative data from this segment of teachers, which allows us to know the truth beyond the evidence of their digital skills.


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Benavides Rodríguez, M. del R., & Chuchuca Basantes, F. (2024). Digital teaching competencies in the return to face-to-face teaching. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 8(1).

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