Formative processes in the teaching of pre-Columbian knowledge with emphasis on the life of Atahualpa

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Juanita Irene Guevara Burgos
Franklin Mario Barros Morales
Marcelo Ludgardo Proaño Cobos
Manuel Asunción Medina Quizhpe


Pre-Columbian knowledge is essential to understand the history of the continent. The objective is to analyze the different criteria on identity, emphasizing the life of Atahualpa and pre-Columbian knowledge; A type of mixed research was applied, with a digital survey as an instrument, it was applied to a group of university students, high school graduates and professors. The techniques used were the concurrent triangulation design and the documentary search.The results of the study showed that 66.7% of those surveyed consider that Atahualpa was born in the kingdom of Quito and 16.7% in the kingdom of Cusco. Various colonial chroniclers debated the origin of Atahualpa. Although the sources are questionable, their positions generated a lasting historical debate.


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Guevara Burgos, J. I., Barros Morales, F. M., Proaño Cobos, M. L., & Medina Quizhpe, M. A. (2024). Formative processes in the teaching of pre-Columbian knowledge with emphasis on the life of Atahualpa. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 8(2).