Andrology in the context of Higher Education: historical trend analysis

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Graciela Victoria Panta Merino
Carlos Alberto Centurión-Cabanillas


Introduction. Faced with the demands of the knowledge and information society to oppose traditional education, Andragogy is resumed as the concept that encompasses various ideas for adult-only learning. Objective To systematically identify and evaluate scientific evidence on the origin and evolution of Andragogy and its emergence in the context of technological education. Method: The databases Scielo, Redalyc, Google Academic, Scopus were consulted. DOAJ. There was no language restriction. Articles that aimed to analyse the origin and evolution of Andragogy in technological education were included. Studies at other levels were excluded. After filtering, the total revised sources were 50. Results Andragogy is raised as a need to incorporate into higher education programs. Conclusion. Higher education centres when designing learning experiences for their students should take into account affective and cognitive aspects.


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How to Cite
Panta Merino, G. V., & Centurión-Cabanillas C. A. . (2021). Andrology in the context of Higher Education: historical trend analysis. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 4(3).