Digital educational resources in the development of mathematical logical thinking in middle school students

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Jessica Miossiotti Arias Tigrero
Maritza Leonor Santos Santos
Jessenia Estefanía Quintana Espinoza
Quintana Espinoza Florinda Jaqueline


This article "Digital Educational Resources in the development of mathematical logical thinking in high school students" arises from the scientific problem: how do digital educational resources contribute in the development of mathematical logical thinking? The main objective is to analyze the importance of the contribution of digital educational resources in the development of mathematical logical thinking in high school students of the following educational institutions: Mariscal Sucre, Coronel Olmedo Alfaro and José María Velasco Ibarra. The research is descriptive with a mixed approach; for the development of the research techniques and instruments were used, where interviews and surveys were recorded, in addition, the difficulties presented by students in the development of mathematical logical thinking were detected, therefore, as an alternative solution to the problem, the guide of digital educational resources for strengthening skills in the subject of mathematics is presented.


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How to Cite
Arias Tigrero, J. M., Santos Santos, M. L., Quintana Espinoza, J. E., & Florinda Jaqueline , Q. E. (2024). Digital educational resources in the development of mathematical logical thinking in middle school students. Revista Iberoamericana De educación, 8(4), 12–23.