Published: 2022-10-28

Training processes in Ecuadorian universities and their link with society: keys to achieve the articulation of substantive functions

Emma Yolanda Mendoza Vargas, Byron Wladimir Oviedo Bayas, Byron Wladimir Oviedo Bayas, Jefferson Xavier Bravo Salvatierra, Jefferson Xavier Bravo Salvatierra, Magali Calero Lara

Didactic proposal for the teaching of classical mechanics through microhistories.

Franklin Edmundo Molina Jiménez, Lucia Antonieta Goyes Chulde, Diego Armando Guerrero Soto

Video game as an educational tool in primary school applying steam methodology

Byron Wladimir Oviedo Bayas, Arianna Ganchozo, Darwin Ortiz, Angel Vera, Zully Zambrano

Formative learning and its characteristics applied in the classroom in university students

Irma Gardenia Ortega Tapia, Gina del Pilar Rendón Guerra, Ruth Elizabeth Racines Macias, Karina Alexandra Plúa Panta